I've had a dream last night and remembered it this morning just before taking a nap. Then had another dream during the nap. I believe they are intertwined, but dont know the meaning. If anyone could help with this I apreciate it.
In the first one I was making a structure of some kind out of garbage. Not any thing that smelled. I saw 2 1/2 piles of it and hands of mine making walls with it.
Then when I took a nap this morning the dream I had involved my animal spirit guide. A wolf. There were 2 times in the same dream I saw one. The first time she was skinny and raged looking, kind of wore out looking. Then the second time their were 2 puppys with her. She was healthier looking but not fat either. She was more alert too. Now in my personal life I have been thru the following...I lost my way of life due to my boyfriend not working and me not working. This forced me to move in with my mom for a while. In 2 weeks I will be moving out and going back to the same area as before with my grandson. I have also lost my son, grandsons dad. also why I have my grandson. And then I lost my boyfriend, the love of my life as far as my heart goes. I have lost wieght too. Partly due to the stress and then I took it a step further and continued to want to loose the wight. I am still trying to loose weight. I have about 35 more pounds to go to get to my desired look. Is this all intertwined or is there something else I need to be worried about. Please help me. I usually can figure out the meanings of my dreams but this one has me stumped. My spirit guide has not shown up in my dreams in quite some time. In fact the last time, she was showing me the path to which way I was to go. This time I dont know what she's trying to say.