We are entering our history in installments. The installments may take a few days and we will be publishing them as they are completed. These pages also contain only a partial history of the Colorado AIM chapter. These are the events and issues that we've chosen to share with the public. Our members also serve the Indian community in other capacities and most also belong to other issue specific Indian organizations. This history doesn't reflect the individual accomplishments of our members, as they would be too numerous to list. Instead, what we've done is highlighted the events that were a part of the official actions of Colorado AIM. 1994 - November 4-Final verdicts in the AIM tribunal are announced in Rapid City, South Dakota. Vernon and Clyde Bellecourt are found guilty on 8 charges.
- October 8-Colorado AIM and allies takes out ad in Rocky Mountain News "Goodbye Columbus" on columbus day.
- September 16-Colorado AIM participates in the Latino Education Coalition walkout.
- August 1-4 Autonomous Chapters of AIM convene at Wounded Knee To address present and future concerns. The three main themes discussed are "Freedom, Independence, Liberation."
- July 27-Statement of the International Confederation of Autonomous Chapters of the American Indian Movement is presented by Secretariat, Glenn Morris to the United States Commission on Human Rights.
- May 29-Colorado AIM plants 7 Aspen trees in Denver's Civic Center Park to commemorate all indigenous people who have given their lives in the "American Holocaust" and in dedication to making the world better for the next seven generations.
- March 26-27- An AIM tribunal is held in San Rafael, California. The Tribunal is convened to hear the charges brought against the Bellecourt Brothers. The Tribunal initially finds Vernon and Clyde Bellecourt guilty of 3 charges. The Tribunal is to be reconvened in Rapid City. [note: it was at this tribunal that the events in Anna Mae Pictou Aquash's assassination were first openly discussed by members of Autonomous AIM. Although "journalist" like Tim Giago and Paul Demain have since repositioned themselves as truth seekers in the Anna Mae case, they originally tried to marginalize the Tribunal. Paul Demain, in particular, attempted to undermine those that were trying to hold the Bellecourts accountable (see Bob Robideaus response to DeMain)].
- Janurary 15-Colorado AIM Elders and Leadership Council issues Statement reaffirming their right to choose their own membership in response to an "expulsion letter" from Vernon and Clyde Bellecourt.
- Janurary 10-Colorado AIM informs Allies that it is now a member of the Autonomous Chapters of the American Indian Movement.
1993 - December 16-18-Colorado Attends a summit of Autonomous Chapters in Edgewood, New Mexico. The Chapters issue the Edgewood Declaration.
- October 31-Colorado AIM reorganization adopted.
- October 31- Denver/Boulder AIM helps to refurbish Four Winds
- October 10-AIM Counters Columbus rally with a peaceful gathering. Donates aspen trees to city.
- October 03-AIM hosts Powwow
- August 04-Colorado AIM releases an open letter to the Indian Community of Denver, on the occasion of the Pope's tour.
- July 21-Co-Director, Glenn Morris, makes a statement to the Working Group on Indigenous Peoples, in the UN.
- June 19-24-Colorado AIM participates in Sundance at the Greasy Grass.
- June 4-Colorado AIM asks that Hodgkins Middle School change mascot from "Braves," after the principal dismisses attempts by Sylvia Crippen to foster a more sensitive atmosphere at the school.
- May-Denver Post columist Ken Hamblin attacks Colorado AIM in racist column about hantavirus on the Navajo Reservation. AIM responds on June 9.
- May 5-Denver/Boulder AIM participates in rally against federal and state prison systems.
- March 26-Denver/Boulder AIM makes a request that Denver police disclose any collaboration with Anti-Defamation League in an effort to spy on AIM. Spy File Documents later reveal that the Denver Intelligence Unit added this meeting to their spy file reports that they kept on Colorado AIM.
- February 27-Colorado AIM leads a delegation at 20th anniversary of Wounded Knee. Colorado AIM provides the drum and the security for the walk into Wounded Knee.
- January 23-Colorado AIM, co-director, Glenn Morris, publishes an article "the dispossessed" in the Rocky Mountain News.
- January 18-Colorado AIM marches in MLK Day Parade.
1992 - December 06-Glenn Morris publishes column"A chance to do the right thing," about the case of the Western Shoshone, in the Rocky Mountain News
- December 12-Colorado AIM gathers at the State Capitol to honor Rigoberta Menchu.
- November 16-Colorado AIM delegation travels to Kansas City to Protest use of Indians as mascots in Chiefs vs Redskins game. Leadership re-confirmed at November New Moon Feast
- November 11-Colorado AIM delegation travels to Little Big Horn Monument for name change.
- October 12-Denver Post and Rocky Mountain News condemn AIM for stopping the parade.
- October 10-Colorado AIM is the only group to successfully shut down A Columbus Day in country. A coalition of 50 organizations and 2500 people join with AIM to stop the parade. It is cancelled at the last minute.
- October 6-Colorado AIM sues to stop Columbus Parade. Federal court Denies relief.
- October 04-Colorado AIM member, Tink Tinker responds to Denver Post columnist, Jim Carrier, who attempts to marginalize AIM members in his column.
- September-23-Colorado hosts Sacred Run through Colorado. Denver Boulder leadership re-confirmed at September New Moon Feast.
- September 08-Colorado AIM submits letter to editor, challenging their Science writer on his assertions of violence on the part of AIM.
- August 31-Colorado AIM urges Mayor Wellington Webb, to take a stand against the Columbus Day Parade.
- August 22-Colorado AIM sponsors a protest of Hepatits B vaccine, at the State Capitol.
- July 24-Rocky Mountain News condemns Denver/Boulder AIM Editorial.
- July 10-Colorado AIM and coalition of a dozen groups(NAACP to New Jewish Agenda) map out strategy for Columbus Day.
- July 07-Co-director, Glenn Morris, responds to condemnation of acquittal charges, by the Rocky Mountain News.
- June 26-Colorado AIM defendants acquitted of charges stemming From blocking Columbus Day Parade in 1991. Rocky Mountain News and Denver Post condemn verdicts and AIM. Ward Churchill, Glenn Morris, Russell Means and Ted Roy re-confirmed as leadership at June New Moon Feast.
- June 15-19-Colorado AIM participates in Sun Dance at Greasy Grass
(Little Big Horn) - June 01-Colorado AIM sends a letter to the Superintendent of Custer Battlefield, reminding her that AIM was instrumental in pushing the issue of changing the name
- May 29-Colorado AIM pickets the liquor stores to protest the sale of Crazy Horse Malt Liquor. One person is cited by the police.
- May 5-Colorado AIM participates in Helushka in Chinle, Navajo Nation.
- May 5-Columbus statue plaque mysteriously disappears during the Cinco De Mayo Celebration.
- April 15-Letter to Steve Newman reminding city of AIM's demands about parade and statue. Denver/Boulder leadership is re-confirmed at April New Moon Feast.
- March 18-Colorado AIM condemns KKK leader shawn slater and walks out of forum in Durango, CO.
- January 18-Colorado AIM participates in Martin Luther King Parade and rally; KKK is rallying on capitol steps and riot ensues.photos
- January-Colorado AIM Security adopts principles. Ted Roy reconfirmed as head of Denver/Boulder Security.
1991 - November-Colorado AIM members and others unite to open American Indian Anti-Defamation Coucil office in Denver.
- November 11-Colorado AIM requests Ben Nighthorse Campbell To intervene to stop roundup of livestock at Western Shoshone. He does, and roundup is put on hold.
- November 6-Colorado AIM advises Ben Nighthorse Campbell Not to participate in Tournament of Roses Parade. He decides to ride anyway.
- October 10-Columbus Day Protest-Rally. Colorado AIM blocks the parade and four arrests are made.
- August 20-Colorado AIM members travel to Montana to march with the people of Ft. Belknap, to Stop Pegasus Gold Mine. [note: On this particular trip, we felt that people may have been compelled to participate under false pretenses. In addition, there were incidents of disrespectful behavior by people who were not a part of our chapter but who were members of other AIM chapters. We learned some valuable lessons from this particular trip and have decided to include the letter that we sent to Red Thunder after we learned of some of the incidents.]
- August 14- Colorado AIM congratulates Wellington Webb on election And demands the re-establishment of American Indian Advisory Council, and the abolition of Columbus Parade and statue. At August New Moon leadership is confirmed. Colorado Springs Chapter begins to operate.
- July 17-AIM leads Anti-Klan rally in Aurora.
- April 20-Colorado AIM leads an anti-Klan rally at State Capitol. Colorado AIM security is outstanding; Klan gets pummeled and are escorted away under a heavy police presence.
- April 7-Colorado AIM travels to Corpus Christi, TX, at invitation of local AIM chapter, to protest Columbus events.
- March 15-Colorado AIM and Denver Indian Center picket Lt. Governor's office to focus attention on ineptitude of the office and the office holder. Also to call attention to urban Indian issues.
- January 30-AIM demands that city take firm action on monitoring new airport site for Indian remains. The city responds by hiring an Indian Monitor.
1990 - Thanksgiving-Colorado AIM sponsors fast and prayer vigil at the State Capitol to draw attention to Sand Creek statue at Capitol as well as to focus on religious freedom denied to Indians by Supreme Court. The Colorado AIM Leadership is re-confirmed at New Moon Feast.
- October 12-Colorado AIM sponsors rally against Big Mountain relocation.
- October 08-Colorado AIM donates more statues (Hitler, Indian Policy) To city to go with Columbus statue on Denver's "Walk of Shame."
- October 06-Colorado AIM leads Columbus Day Parade on the condition That Federation of Italian American Organizations negotiate an end to the parade. They FIAOC fails to live up to their word to negotiate during the year.
- October 05-Colorado AIM responds to the FIAOC's denial of request to walk at the head of the parade.
- October 02-Federation of Italian American Organizations of Colorado (FIAOC) denies Colorado AIM's request to participate in the columbus day parade.
- September 21-Colorado AIM accepts an open invitation, published in the Rocky Mountain News, issued to all "indian organizations" to participate in the parade.
- September 7-Colorado AIM requests that Federico Pena rescind the permits for Columbus Day. He declines. AIM announces plans to protest the parade.
- June 06-Colorado AIM travels to Alliance Nebraska to protest various racist policies that exist there.
- April 19-The Rocky Mountain News publishes a column, submitted by Glenn Morris, about the veneration of Columbus as a hero. The column is called "The big lie."
- February 16-Mayor, Federico Pena, meets with Indian Community and Colorado AIM informs him that a national demonstration will be called if he challenges the judge's ruling in Russell Mean's case. Pena doesn't challenge the ruling.
- February 07-Russell Means charges in Columbus Day blood incident are Dismissed on 1st Amendment grounds. Rocky Mountain news and Denver Post condemn the decision.
- January 19-Colorado AIM sends a letter to Mayor Federico Pena, suggesting that the Columbus Statue be removed from Civic Center Park, to promote reconciliation. Pena declines.
1983-1989 |