I Give Thanks
I give thanks to the minerals
Of which my bones and all the foundations of life are made
I give thanks to the plants
Which sustain my body and give me healing herbs for sickness
I give thanks to the animals
That feed me with their own flesh and yet,
Still offer their loyalty and companionship in this walk through life
I give thanks to the people
Their soul sharing the path with mine upon this sacred journey
I thank the spirits of the old ones
Who provide guidance and support through all of life’s trials,
And who left a beacon of light to last down through the ages
I give thanks to the winds of change and growth
Without which all would stagnate and die
And I give thanks to the Great Mystery
For the gift of creation and this life I live
Remember, we are all my related, all part of the great web of life.
And without each other we could not live. We all walk in the circle
of life together, co-existing, co-dependent, and co-creating our destiny.
All of equal importance.
And all of us a part of the Great Mystery.
Thank you for traveling with me
Steve ‘Easy�?Whitacre December 2nd, 2007