Choking back the tears
She must not see
Swimming awash in visions
All condemned to the past
But I loved her
Love her yet
Aching pain, harsh scorn
Words that cut and bite
Keep me from calling her name
Hiding from the fight
Heart broken
Look at her smile
Striding out to him
I bite my lip
Seize control
Anger builds
Hate seethes
What's this I see
He shoves away
Casts her in the street
The pain in her
I see it well
Confusion within me
I should feel the better for it
Her pain joined with mine
Yet my sadness grows
My pain increase
Want her happy
Want her free
She drifts away
Lost soul in storm
I wonder at her visions
But she liken me
Condemned to past
But I loved her
I love her still…�?
Steve 'Easy' Whitacre December 3rd, 2007