My spirit cried out as a child,What is it this feeling I feel.A strange kind of emptiness,that nothing seems to reveal
Animals have brought me comfort and I've given them the same, But nothing stops this feeling for ever and once again it's like my spirit crys out.
My loves have been my children,in the years I've watched them grown.But even now its hard to explain this feeling I've always known.
My path as always felt lonely,but not in the sense of being alone, This feeling is like a reminder,I've always been walking alone.
Is this what it's like to be a soul mate, One part of a pair or a whole,or is it just me and my feeling , Or Some thing that I've always known.
Listening to the songs of the birds ,it really doesn't help at all .It just makes me stop and wonder if anyone will hear my call
And if anyone should answer, would they be the same as me, with only needs of giving ,that brings me balance and harmony.