I've seen your mark,many times are you aware that you have it and I wonder at the same time Have you seen mine? or do you know nothing of it I was told you was grieving, for the loss of mother This I quite understand and many times to you my friend I've always offered my hand Are you like me walking free with no needs of support or an anchor because when I stumble and fall I can still walk tall And many times when I get up There is laughter The spirits told me years ago a message and with it the answer I wasnt prepared when I saw it word for word How could you have known it freaked me out so and with it came my odd behaviour Im told the medicine is within me I wonder some times if this is so and is this the reason why Some times animals come and go My soul heard the cry of the wolves I wonder as anyone else felt it too Words cannot describe the emotions I felt And im sure it was the bear that got me through I have been reminded of many things Right back from being a child Like a wake up call with a slap in the face for things I thought was the norm Things I've said to people never saying any thing bad in haste the things ive known and seen happen even the simple games I would play So excuse me if you find im a lot quieter now I've had a lot to take in and absorb but those who know me will see I still sit here and grin and I can still feel it all Debs |