hiya rick, Marie Junaluska, has made a cd with some simply phrases a brief introduction i would call it to the cherokee language. i suppose she speaks the Kituwah dialect as Siyo is the greeting that is taught on there. also the western nation website has a language page and they teach with the sounds.
sounds hmm if i may ask our language teacher, the Enunciation of his/her name AwiAdisi, i have heard 2 different enunciations i suppose of the Adisi( running) part used in person , one is uh dee see, and the other was Uh deesh. i was abit curious as to which one or if both is correct.
i am told the uh deesh enunciation is more of an AniKituwah dialect, which seems to be a 6 on a scale of 1-7 for extinction.
a curious student