Hi I ask another Elder and we agreed on these ....below.
If you have never been to a Pow Wow, here are a few rules that may help you feel more at home. Keep in mind that customs vary from region to region and Pow Wow to Pow Wow. When in doubt quietly wait until there is a break in the action and ask the folks near the drum(s) to point you towards the Arena Director.
Dress and act apporiately..no hot pants and such, noprofanity or "making out" in public.
If you want to dance anything other than open intertriabals...wear regalia.
Pointing finger is rude and bad manners. Nod your head in the direction if need be.
If blankets, shawls ect are around the arens, these are someone elses seats, do not bother or sit on them.
Pets should be left at home. No pets allowed.
You may check with arena director for times of dances ect.
Pictures are not to be taken during Veterans, Flag, prayer or anytime announced by Master of Ceramonies.
Always ask before taking pictures of dancers in regalia. Be sure to explain if its for publication ect.
Respect the Head woman and Head man dancers. They start each song ..so please wait until they have started to dance before you join in.
Some songs and dances may require one to be familiar with routine. If you are not familiar just watch and learn.
Flag song or indian National Anthem is sung when the american flag is raised or lowered. Stand and remove hats during singing. No dancing or picture taking.
Most Powwows are non profit and depend on donatons, raffles, blanket dances ect for support. Donations are encouraged .Anyone can drop money on the blanket.
Certain itims of religious signifence should be worn only by those qualified. Respect the traditions.
Never intentionally touch another dancers regalia, person or propety without permission.
Giveaways...are held at many dances. These are ways to show appreciation to recipients for honor or service.
When recieving a gift, always thank the ones it was given by.
Its traditional to make a gift to the Drum for requests
Before sitting at a drum, ask permission from head singer. Do not touch drum without permission.
If at anytime you are not sure of procedures ect, check with the MC , Arena Director, or Head singer.
Unless you are sure spectator seating will be provided, bring a chair. Remember that seating immediately around arena is for dancers only\
Alcohol, drugs and firearms are not allowed at most Powwows
If you see a lost feather, or you drop one, do not pick it up. Notify the nearest Veteran, or head mandancer or arena director immediately.
Before dancing barefoot speak with Arena director. At some events this may only be done by Sundancers known to organizers.
In some places its ok for adults to dance while carrying infant or small children...some places this is considered not to be done. Ask before doing so.
If you have a question..ask. Most dancers, singers, elders ans staff are there to help. Offer a cold drink or some small symbolic gift to those who help you.