I wanted to pass this information along to you all, if you know anyone that can use their assistance, please forward this email to them. You can contact these folks directly at the emails they have provided below.
This is a fantastic opportunity for assistance in home building on the rez! For the folks that are here in South Dakota, you can contact you local Forest Service office to inquire about getting a log permit. There are about 11 different areas in the Black Hills that are open for log collection. They are already cut and stacked in these designated areas, all you have to do is get your permit (which is free, they also have another permit that is $20.00) and pick them up. I spoke with the F.S. District Manager in Custer last fall and I know they were working with the Tribal Offices with this program, the rez's could get as much as they needed, there is no limit. I have been to many of these areas and the stacks are huge! Its mostly pine. For other folks out of the area, you may also want to check with your local F.S. offices, they may offer the same program.
Anyway, please forward this info along to anyone that may be interested, it sounds like these folks are willing to travel to any of the rez's!
Hope it helps.........
In peace & solidarity, Tamra worldwidewebNDNnews.com