| | From: Rose23 (Original Message) | Sent: 10/22/2008 1:11 AM |
I have found that the process of discovering who I really am begins with knowing who I really don't want to be. I read this line from a shared story in the back of AA's big book and it hit me very hard. I know without a doubt that the person I don't want to be is the person I become when I drink. Remembering this every day helps me stay sober. Rose On a journey to discovering the real me {{smile}} |
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You have taken your first step Rose, and the first step is always the hardest I wish you well on your journey of self discovery sister. Hugs Whitehorse |
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Thanks for sharing. Keeping you in my prayers. With Great Respect and Love, Tia |
| | From: Rose23 | Sent: 10/22/2008 3:59 PM |
Thanks for the support and prayers. Yes, the first step is by far the hardest. In my case it was guilt, shame and denial that stood in the way until I reached my bottom. I just didn't think I could learn to live sober. Fear was also a biggie. Yikes... to admit that I'm an alcoholic? What would my friends and family think? Would I lose them? It was a blessed day when I said to my self, "I don't care what they think. I need help". Those words saved and changed my life and one step at a time I am learning to live and enjoy sobriety. Rose Thank you God for another sober day. |
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Hello Rose welcome to recovery.Fear is the root of all my problems.I too worried about what would family and friends would think,LOL after I got sober I found everybody that knew me, knew I was Alcoholic,and I thought nobody knew,I was the last to learn this LOL. The recovery path was not easy but it is simple. Do not settle for what you want, let Creator show what he wants for you. with respect Rick |
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