For the Recovery chat ....go by the times its open and here is how to get to room....wado
Click on Wakan Chat room #1 on the sidebar.
A page will come up with a link to the chat room. Click on that. The link to the chatroom is on the very top of the page. Also look at the chatroom guidelines, below this link.
The next page will have a few things on it, but in the upper left hand corner it says chat, click on that.
When the new page comes up, type in the name you joined the group with, not your name or another name.
Then click on the chat button on the right hand side.
That should take you to the chat room. Once there, make sure your curser is in the dialog box on the bottom of the page. Then hit the ENTER KEY ON YOUR KEYBOARD!!! There is not the word enter anywhere on the chat room. REMEMBER, IT'S ENTER ON YOUR KEYBOARD!!!