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hi,iwas here for a short time in 05 ,i'm back.lol i've been clean&sober since10/22/1995.i got sober in A.A. nightowl is the name of the home group i started this journey with,58 is birth year, it's not a na name. you can call me rick. is the recovery chat A A steps and native spritiuality? i still attend meetings.still try to work the steps and help others.do you talk recovery in open chats?i am at peace with being a recoverying alcoholic, and speak openly everywhere accept work,i drive big rig trucks. i am looking forward to talking recovery with people on the red road.i believe the creator led me to A A and A A led to the creator,and i 'm on the right spiritual path now.thank you for being here, rick |
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hello annie,i go to a lot of AA mettings in the evening,has there ever been a late chat? like 10 or11 pm est? can i poll the group to see if there is any interest? i also like daytime chats but am not sure i could commit to run that kind. hello wolf dancer,nice to meet you. maybe you could have a chat indaylight and i could do a night one,would that be ok annie. iknow a lot about recovery not so much about old ways,can i still do this ? |
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Hi Rick Dont think there has ever been a night chat as we have the room for our regular chats so much then. Cheri has been running the day chat until of late ((has problems right now))) so when she comes back , she will help out. Yes You may post and see who is interested ect.......hugs annie |
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Wolf Dancer....get together with Rick. You may be able to do chats at a different time.....let me know...hugs annie |
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The times schedule for this chat...wado The recovery chats are held in the Wakan Chat Room #1 (right below Message Board on the sidebar) on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings at 8AM CST |
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Monday, Wednesdays, and Fridays are all fine with me, but I live in the Moutain time zone so I would have to make the time a little later. Would that be OK ? I have never ran a chat before, or opened one. I might need someone to show me. Rick I do not mind doing the day one, What ever you and Annie decide is fine with me. Wolf Dancer |
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Ok TWD,,,Just let me know the times....all zones....and which one you will open it on...and the days. I will post it for you. Info on how to get to chat room is on main message board. Go to Message board to post the chat open... Recovery Chat Open>>> then when you close it...post its closed there too. ok hugs annie |
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Click on Wakan Chat room #1 on the sidebar. A page will come up with a link to the chat room. Click on that. The link to the chatroom is on the very top of the page. Also look at the chatroom guidelines, below this link. The next page will have a few things on it, but in the upper left hand corner it says chat, click on that. When the new page comes up, type in the name you joined the group with, not your name or another name. Then click on the chat button on the right hand side. That should take you to the chat room. Once there, make sure your curser is in the dialog box on the bottom of the page. Then hit the ENTER KEY ON YOUR KEYBOARD!!! There is not the word enter anywhere on the chat room. REMEMBER, IT'S ENTER ON YOUR KEYBOARD!!! |
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hello wolfdancer,is your recovery 12 step based?i have gotten clean and sober in AA meetings,i have never run or opened a chat room either,haven't talked in many (two finger typer LOL) i am here to share my recovery and learn old ways,i think annie wants you and me to work this out.would noon eastern time work for you? i think that is 10 am for you.could some older members help us learn to open and run chats? i'm not trying to be in charge or anything i just want to talk recovery withpeople that are on the red road.. very humbly and respectfully thank you for being here, rick |
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This sounds good ..both of you...and all you have to do is look at the above message ..it tells you how to get into chat room. To open any chat is the same...post "Recovery chat open" on main message board....then go there and wait for them to come in. Its best to wait a bit before you get into recovery conversation, just in case some come in a bit late. Then just do it like you have seen it done when you were in a group before. Let me know the times so I can post it on side bar....ok Hugs annie |
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That sounds good to me 10 am my time. That way I have my kids off to school, and I am free at that time. Rick I will put my info in the contact list and you can email me. Do you want to start Friday, kind of get the word out so people know ? I am a recovering Meth addict, so I know the twelve steps,AA, NA. I have done both. You can email me directly and I will answer any question you have, I will put my contact info in the area. Wolf Dancer You are welcome to email me |
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Wolf Dancer and Rick.......please let me know the times and when you want to start so I can make a post for all to see....wado annie |
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hi wolfdancer,that time works 4 me too. i watch one of my grandsons and most of the time he takes a nap at that time. i can't get on my computer if he is awake ,you must always have both eyes on him .he was 2 in nov. i will e-mail you thank you, Rick |
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hello annie ,i would like to open the late night recovery chat friday night and monday night 11PM eastern time and see what happens . could you post the times and days for me? we can start feb.1,2008 thank you so much, Rick |
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ty Annie for posting days and times for me.I am very happy to get a chance to do this.can i e-mail you?to ask some questions? thank you again for having this place for us. Rick |
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Annie Would 12 noon eastern time be ok on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays. Rick said he would be able to attend those times also, and they are perfect for me. Hugs Wolf Dancer |