"Self" Development Test
What's keeping you "stuck"?
1. Do you have problems with relationships, love, sex, drugs, alcohol, food and other addictions?
2. Are painful memories of "mere" neglect, or physical, emotional, spiritual, and/or sexual abuse preventing you from living to your full potential?
3. Are you dependant upon others to take care of you because you don't believe you can take care of yourself, and/or are co-dependant with others as you each drag the other down?
4. When you were growing up, did anyone look into your eyes and honor the uniqueness of your Spirit - - your "individuality" - - the gift of your "Self" which only you have to offer? Our Spirit is our authentic "Self."
5. Or, do society's beliefs that we must do as we're told, trap you, and stifle the growth of your independent "SpiritSelf" which leaves you stuck being dependant upon others?
6. Were you allowed to take age appropriate risks during your formative years so you could discover your likes and dislikes with someone there to nurture your instinctive drive for "Self" discovery, independence, -- who comforted your pain from your mistakes and then encouraged you to go back out there and try again until "you" felt you had discovered how to get it "right" for you.
7. Or, are you stopped from exploring your passions by the message that "father or mother knows best" so you feel you have to do what they said you should do and must be what they said you must be . . . BUT YOU'RE NOW AN ADULT?
8. Does this leave you stuck in dysfunctional relationships that turn out to be like the one you just left behind although the outer signs were so different, but it was just a "horse of a different color"?
9. Do you even have a "Self" to esteem, or do you always need to put others first and just dream of what it would be like to be "me"?
10. Are you still co-dependent even after all those books?
11. Have you discovered how to create your "bliss" that leads you to your Life Path! Joseph Campbell said if we follow our "bliss" we'll find the life that's been waiting there the whole time for us to discover it.
12. Or, have you just given up hope of ever having your dreams fulfilled? Hope can be transformed into motivation to discover your powerful "Self."
13. Are you stuck repeating the same old behavior . . . re-acting like you've always done? If you do what you always did, you'll get what you always got! So . . . learn effective tools that will teach you how to change those old patterns and create the desires of your heart.
14. Have you discovered how to release the pain from the past that has you trapped in ineffective patterns!
15. Is your "Spirit" free to be "you"? Or is it inhibited from the lack of nurturing your individual "uniqueness" in your childhood? THE STEPS teach you how to heal the "wounded" SpiritSelf - your authentic being.
16. Have you discovered how to release your POWER within that's now hiding in your inhibited "Spirit" that's never been provided a nurturing environment where it can thrive. Maya Angelou said it's not about surviving but about thriving with passion, compassion, humor and style. Ralph Waldo Emerson said our style is our "own" voice. So we have to discover how to "RE-PARENT" our spirited Self if we want to uncover our own power.
RESULTS: if you relate to these scenarios, it illustrates where THE STEPS will work for you. They'll teach you how to RE-PARENT your magical Self -- your "Spirit" -- and uncover the Life Path of your Destiny instead of living someone else's dreams.