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Recovery Room : SELF TEST
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(4 recommendations so far) Message 1 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameAnnie-LL  (Original Message)Sent: 9/20/2003 9:31 PM
"Self" Development Test
What's keeping you "stuck"?

1.  Do you have problems with relationships, love, sex, drugs, alcohol, food and other addictions?
2. Are painful memories of "mere" neglect, or physical, emotional, spiritual, and/or sexual abuse preventing you from living to your full potential?
3.  Are you dependant upon others to take care of you because you don't believe you can take care of yourself, and/or are co-dependant with others as you each drag the other down?
4.  When you were growing up, did anyone look into your eyes and honor the uniqueness of your Spirit - - your "individuality" - - the gift of your "Self" which only you have to offer?  Our Spirit is our authentic "Self."  
5.  Or, do society's beliefs that we must do as we're told, trap you, and stifle the growth of  your  independent "SpiritSelf" which leaves you stuck being dependant upon others?
6.   Were you allowed to take age appropriate risks during your formative years so you could discover your likes and dislikes with someone there to nurture your instinctive drive for "Self" discovery, independence, -- who comforted your pain from your mistakes and then encouraged you to go back out there and try again until "you" felt you had discovered how to get it "right" for you.
7.  Or, are you stopped from exploring your passions by the message that "father or mother knows best" so you feel you have to do what they said you should do and must be what they said you must  be . . .  BUT YOU'RE NOW AN ADULT?
8.  Does this leave you stuck in dysfunctional relationships that turn out to be like the one you just left behind although the outer signs were so different, but it was just a "horse of a different color"? 
9.  Do you even have a "Self" to esteem, or do you always need to put others first and just dream of what it would be like to be "me"?
 10.  Are you still co-dependent even after all those books?
11.  Have you discovered how to create your "bliss" that leads you to your Life Path!  Joseph Campbell said if we follow our "bliss" we'll find the life that's been waiting there the whole time for us to discover it.
12.  Or, have you just given up hope of ever having your dreams fulfilled?  Hope can be transformed into motivation to discover your powerful "Self."
13.  Are you stuck repeating the same old behavior . . . re-acting like you've always done?  If you do what you always did, you'll get what you always got!   So . . . learn effective tools that will teach you how to change those old patterns and create the desires of your heart.  
14.  Have you discovered how to release the pain from the past that has you trapped in ineffective patterns!
15.  Is your "Spirit" free to be "you"?  Or is it inhibited from the lack of nurturing your individual "uniqueness" in your childhood?   THE STEPS teach you how to heal the "wounded" SpiritSelf - your authentic being. 
16.  Have you discovered how to release your POWER within that's now hiding in your inhibited "Spirit" that's never been provided a nurturing environment where it can thrive.   Maya Angelou said it's not about surviving but about thriving with passion, compassion, humor and style.   Ralph Waldo Emerson said our style is our "own" voice.   So we have to discover how to "RE-PARENT" our spirited Self if we want to uncover our own power. 
RESULTS:   if you relate to these scenarios, it illustrates where THE STEPS will work for   you.  They'll teach you  how to RE-PARENT your magical Self -- your "Spirit" -- and uncover the  Life Path of your Destiny instead of living someone else's dreams.                                                            

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 Message 2 of 12 in Discussion 
From: WokiniSent: 11/1/2003 3:46 AM
Annie, you said a mouthful!
As I look back on my life, I can see that my spirit was restricted, manipulated, or crushed many times along the way. This was not the fault of my parents, they always did what they thought was best. But the results of "teachings" from my parents, school teachers, ministers, and all those I was expected to listen to, was that I became a weak human being. I was more susceptable to addictions. I chose alcahol, and it kept me company for 30 years.
My "awakening" was ugly and rude. I had choices. To live the same way, or change. I HATE change. But a power FAR greater than myself guided me, gave me strength, and placed teachers in my path. And I did what was very unusual for me, I chose to change. And I worked at it.
Today, my spirit lives. It breathes. It touches the lives of many, and is touched by them. Creator must have some work for me to do that took all this preparation. The 30 years of drinking was there for a purpose. I don't know why, I may never know. I just ask Him to show me what He needs me to do, and try to do it.
My life still has pain, and sorrow at times. The car still breaks, I still get behind on bills, and my cat just passed on. But you know what? I will walk out of this day as I choose to. I can decide to feel miserable about all these "terrible" things, or I can accept them, and CHOOSE to take some happiness out of this day too.
I choose to accept the world as it is, and to TRY to change what I can. And I am happy.

 Message 3 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameAnnie-LLSent: 11/10/2003 4:21 AM
Wonderful, my friend.....So good to hear you are on the right path....and know we are here for you if you need to talk or just vent...ok...Blessings  Annie

 Message 4 of 12 in Discussion 
From: WokiniSent: 11/15/2003 12:42 AM
Thank you Annie,
Ya know, I have taken part in many recovery events..... meetings, roundtables, talking circles, weekend retreats, but as powerful as each of these things is, VENTING is as much needed. I tend to convert normal emotions to anger quite readily (I think most addicts do) and thankfully I have several people I can vent to! In doing so, by verbal word or in writing, I often come to an understanding and acceptance of the REAL problem or emotion envolved. I don't need, then, to stuff more ANGER in my bag to carry along with me. This has helped keep me sober almost 6 years. I thank you for you offer to listen, and will most likely take you up on it sometime! And I am a good listener too. Anyone may feel free to vent to me. Beats the heck out of converting all those emotional hiccups to anger. That anger bag gets to be a heavy burden to carry after while!
Ake wacin yan kin kte,

 Message 5 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameocile1Sent: 11/5/2004 3:13 PM
Greetings Annie-LL,
I was reading your post and thought, geez, my spirit must be on it's way to leave me.
I think I could use some advice on what to do and where to go from here.
I was born as the 7th child in my family. We had no money and lived on a farm that we rented but it didn't turn out very well. We had to leave it and my parents got a divorce. Anyways, I was sent to a fosterhome where I was beated up just for the fun of it. I have been raped twice and been abused twice, both times by the boyfriend. I have been scared more times than I care to count and I have lost the people I have ever loved. I am now hiding from people and have done so for the past 14 years. I tried to 'return' a couple of years ago but my heart was not heald so I went 'back' to my 'hidingplace' again. I have never used drugs or alcohol. I have a fear these days of separations and I have nightmares every night about people I have known in my life. I am running after them and they turn their heads looking at me over their shoulders and then they walk away from me. I wake up crying and each day that goes by, I can feel that I lose a little of my will to carry on. I guess I am not worthy of a life. As it is right now, I am only excisting...

 Message 6 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameAnnie-LLSent: 11/5/2004 8:32 PM
  Hi   There is more help here for you now that we have a chat room for just this recovery if you are needing help in any way , please get in touch with NightHorse ..or JRedHawk or any of the others here who are involved in this program. I am so happy that you are posting and telling others so they will be helped also,,,hugs  Annie

 Message 7 of 12 in Discussion 
From: sadieSent: 11/5/2004 11:57 PM
Your message is a strong one...I had a very difficult child hood... My early adult life was the same.  My drug and alcohol use nearly ruined my life along with many others.  Today Creator is the strongest force in my life.  My walk is always with  Creator in mind.   I now work with Women that are Survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault..  I am also doing an internship working with the Youth in a Residential Treatment facility...  Today in my early 40's my life has meaning and I know that my Path has reason.

 Message 8 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameocile1Sent: 11/6/2004 8:58 AM
Hi Annie-LL,
That was one of my first concerns, that someone else might get help from this. Some people have a problem with talking about their lifes. I don't. I am in contact with RedHawk and he is guiding me thru this. He is a true blessing. So far he has been right in everything he has been saying to me. For that I am gratefull. I will try to come to the recovery chat room one day but I have a problem with the timedifference. I do hope that can be overcomed some day.
Thank you for the hug. Most appreciated.
I feel blessed to be a member in this group. I hope I can return all the kindness you have shown me.
You are all in my thoughts

 Message 9 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameocile1Sent: 11/6/2004 9:23 AM
Hi Sadie, Thank you for sharing this with me. The hard part is to find out the reasons when you are walking in darkness.
There is many hard lessons to learn in the school of life and the hardest one for me, so far, is to learn to love myself. To keep connected with both my heart and mind. It is a long walk, maybe the longest walk you ever have to take but it is worth it in the end. The help I have is worth a lot to me as it has opend my eyes. Even though I have noticed that the more I learn the less I know.
I am happy for you, for walking with the Creator in you. That is important. Just remember that you have to walk with yourSelf too.
Walk in balancce my friend

The number of members that recommended this message. 0 recommendations  Message 10 of 12 in Discussion 
Sent: 11/7/2004 7:53 PM
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 Message 11 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCheri5226Sent: 1/30/2007 2:58 PM
Thank you Annie...this is a excellent post...with good hoping this will start up some more ...questions or comments anyone?...we also have a abuse shelter here...hugs,Cheri

 Message 12 of 12 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameJustJacquie2Sent: 1/30/2007 4:19 PM
Dear Annie;
     Wow what alot of great questions.  I know for me that before I found help I was very stuck, today I am able to find help for anything that happens in my life.  I will add I have way more good days than bad now as I too found a power greater than myself, and continue to have that power help me go through life each day.  As someone mentioned I still have bad days I couldn't imagine a life with out bad days, it's just today instead of holding my problems in I ask or reach out to others for help and guidance.  Those who are my good people do not steer me in the wrong direction, those who love me only want good for me. It took time but I no longer allow the bad people into my life, the best thing about the past is it is just that the past and each day is a new one. I now learn from my mistakes   instead of repeating them time after time. And even being a part of this family has so allowed me to grow each day.
                   Hugs  Jacquie

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