hello everyone,we will have a recovery chat on wed. morning May 14,2008 at 10 am eastern time. I am a recovering alcoholic/ addict,I've been clean and sober since 10/22/95,most of my recovery has been in A.A. meetings and working a 12 step program. This started me on a spiritual journey,that led me to the Creator and Native American Spirituality. That is how I was led here.I am not an elder,I am just a drunk that was given a great gift by the Creator,and it is truly a gift because I did nothing to earn this,and i have been taught by others who were given this gift befor me that I must give it to others as it was so freely given to me,if I want to keep it. All are welcome at the recovery chats ,you do not have to be an alcoholic or addict,but I hope most of these chats will deal with spiritual healing. We must be respectful and tolerant of each other at all times. Some may come to us in much pain. You can be sober and laugh.You can have fun without drugs or alchol. all you need is to find a power greater than youself, I choose to call mine the Creator of the Universe/the Great Spirit. The One that can heal every wounded spirit out ther,if we ask for help!. Thank you .Ricknightowl |