CACHE. Make the sign for HIDE.
CALL OR CALLED. This is an important and much used sign. Use right hand with thumb touching index. Then snap out index finger as in word TALK, but continue extending index. This is used for "Question you called"-meaning, "what are you called" or "what is your name."
CAMP. Make the sign for TEEPEE. Then with arms held about horizontal in front of body form with thumbs and indexes an incomplete circle, tips 1 inch apart. Lower the hands briskly few inches by elbow action.
CAMPFIRE. Make as though gathering something. Then make the signs for WOOD, FIRE, SIT and TALK.
CANDID. Make the sign for TRUE, for DAY and GOOD, indicating openness and clearness like the day, truth and goodness.
CANDLE. Hold left 1 hand in front of left shoulder, index pointing upwards. Make sign for FIRE with right hand pointed at left index and show length of candle on left arm.
CANDY. Make sign for SUGAR. Then hold left index vertically in front of body and with right index indicate stripes on same.
CANNON (meaning: large gun). Make sign for GUN and for LARGE.
CANNOT (meaning: cannot go through, or bounced back). Hold left flat hand edgewise, well out in front of body. Point right index at center of left, then move right index forward until it strikes left palm, then bounces off and down to right.
CANOE. Make sign for BOAT, then with curved right hand held well out in front of body, indicate the curved bow of canoe.
CANYON (also GORGE, DEFILE, CHASM, GAP) (meaning: mountain, both sides). Hold both closed hands in front of face-several inches apart, then, still holding left hand in position, make as though to pass the right hand through the chasm.
CARDS. In nearly closed left hand make as though holding a deck of cards, then with right hand indicate dealing same to several players.
CARTRIDGE. Hold right 1 hand back nearly up, in front of body, index extended horizontally and pointing to front, thumb pressing against side of index, with tip just back of second joint indicating cartridge. Sometimes signs for GUN and SHOOT are also made.
CARRY. Place thumb side of right fist against right shoulder, then thumb side of left fist against right fist--in other words tandem--stoop slightly forward as though carrying a heavy bag or pack.
CAT ( meaning: flat nose). With right thumb and index touching nose, tilt same slightly upwards, also indicate size of animal.
CATCH. Make the sign for TAKE.
CATTLE (meaning: spotted buffalo). Make signs for BUFFALO and SPOTTED.
Click on picture to enlarge
CENTER. Make horizontal circle with index fingers and thumbs. Then holding left in same position place point of right index in circle just formed.
CERTAIN. Make the signs for I, KNOW and GOOD.
CHARGE (meaning: to charge against others). With backs up place closed hands near right shoulder, move hands sharply to front and left, at same time snapping them open.
CHARGE (meaning: charging against us). Reverse the above by holding fists well out YOU in front and snapping hands open towards face.
CHEAT. Make signs for LYING and STEALING.
CHEYENNE--Indian (meaning: finger choppers). Make sign for INDIAN, then extend left index and with right index make as though to cut or slash same. A sign of mourning.
CHICKEN. Make sign for BIRD, sign for RED. Then place extended right hand on top of head, indicating comb.
CHIEF (meaning: elevated, rising above others and looking down at them). Hold right hand at side pointing upwards, raise hand in gradual circle as high as top of head, then arch toward front and downward.
CHILD. Make the sign for MALE or FEMALE. Then hold compressed right hand upward at right side and drop to the height of the child.
CHIPPEWA--Indian. Make the signs for TREES and PEOPLE.
CHOP. Bring right flat hand near right breast, then by elbow action strike downwards to left, then reverse to left breast and strike downwards to right.
CHURCH. Make signs for GOD and HOUSE.
CIGAR. Make sign for TOBACCO. Then lay both indexes horizontally alongside of each and rotate one around the other (meaning: it's rolled).
CITY. Make the sign for HOUSE and for MANY.
Click on picture to enlarge
CLOSE (meaning: draw near). Slightly curved right hand well out in front of right shoulder, draw hand downwards and in towards body, holding hand flat and up-right.
CLOUD. Hold extended hands horizontally, backs up, in front and higher than head, indexes touching; swing hands downwards in curve to each side, to signify dome of sky.
COAL. Make signs for HARD, FIRE, and GOOD.
COAT. Place spread hands on breasts then carry them down as though over garment.
COFFEE (meaning: grinding coffee in mill). Extend left hand, back down, in front of body; bring closed right hand few inches over left and move in small horizontal circle, as though turning a crank.
COLD. Both closed hands close to front of body, height of shoulder, body slightly bent. Give tremulous motion to hands and arms as though shivering from cold.
COLOR. Rub tips of right hand fingers in circle on back of left. Do not confuse this with the sign for Indian which is made by rubbing back of left hand with flat palmar surfaces of all the right hand fingers. A popular sign with all Indians when designating a color, is to look around, locate the color desired, and point to it.
COLOR (2) (spotted, mottled, brindle, roan). Rub the backs of the hands together. This represents any spotted or off color.
COMANCHE--Indian (meaning: snake). Make the sign for INDIAN and for SNAKE, pushing right 1 hand outwards with sinuous motion.
COME. Extend right 1 hand then sweep same toward face.
COMMENCE. Make the sign for PUSH.
COMPASS. Points of the compass are shown by the way an Indian records the sun. Thumb and index of right hand held across at left side indicates the sun rising in the east. In this manner the right side would indicate west, straight ahead would indicate south, and conversely would be north. A somewhat modern conception given by a leading Sioux authority.
CONCEAL. Make sign for HIDE.
CONGRESS. Make sign for BIG WHITE CHIEF'S HOUSE. Sign for BRING, from several directions, and sign for SITTING IN COUNCIL.
COOK. Make sign for MAKE (or WORK) and EAT (or FOOD).
CORN (meaning: shelling the corn). Project left index and thumb as though they were an car of corn, then twist them with right index and thumb.
CORRAL. Make sign for TREE, lock fingers of right and left hands, then indicate circular enclosure by bringing them separately left and right in semi-circle.
COUNCIL (meaning: sitting in a circle and talking). Closed hands well out in front of body, little fingers touching, move hands in horizontal circle towards body to meet with backs to body--then add TALK to right and left.
COUNTING. The system of tens is universally used by our Indians in enumeration. In counting from one to ten, the usual way is to hold the closed right hand in front, the back towards and about height of shoulder, edges of hand pointing up; for one, the little finger is extended; two, the third; three, second; four, index; five, thumb; keeping fingers extended, separated, and pointing upwards; six, bring the closed left hand at same height, equally advanced, and near right, and extend the thumb; seven, extend left index; eight, second finger; nine, third finger; ten, little finger.
For twenty, open and close both hands twice.