FACE. Bring right flat hand down across front of face.
FAINT. Make the sign for DIE and for RECOVER.
FALL (Season). Make sign for AUTUMN.
FALL (of water). Make sign for RIVER; then hold flat hand, back out, in front of body; bring right hand, fingers slightly apart, over top of left hand and down with wavy motion.
FALL (to). Right flat hand in front of body, pointing to left, back up; swing hand in a curve, upwards and outwards, to right, then downwards while turning hand palm up.
FAME. The highest compliment you can pay an Indian is to say that he is a CHIEF, BRAVE; therefore make these signs to express fame.,
FAR. Make the sign for DISTANT.
FARM. Make the sign for CORN and for WORK.
FAST (meaning: pass by). Hold left flat hand in front of body, back to left; then hold right flat hand, back to right, six inches to rear of left. Make right hand go swiftly past left in a curve very slightly downwards and then upwards.
FATHER. With compressed right hand gently tap right breast two or three times; then make the sign for MALE.
FATHER-IN-LAW. Make the sign for WIFE or HUSBAND, then FATHER.
FEAR. Make the sign for AFRAID.
FEAST. Make the sign for WORK, for two or three kettles in a row, for BRING (from several directions); first part of sign for COUNCIL, and for EAT. (Repeat this latter two or three times).
FEATHER. For one feather worn as a decoration on the head, make sign for BIRD, for TAIL, and place extended index of right hand pointing up at back of head.
FEMALE (meaning: combing the hair). Place both hands on either side of head, fingers hooked; then stroke downwards as though combing the hair. Use of but right hand also correct.
FEW (meaning: compressed). Hold partly closed hands in front of body, palms towards each other, lower edges pointing to front, hands opposite, but heel of right hand height of index of left, and eight inches apart; move right hand to left, left to right until right is over left.
FIGHT. Bring loose fists, palms toward each other, in front of body, at height of shoulders, and three inches apart. Move right hand few inches towards body, while left goes outwards same distance; then reverse and repeat.
FINISHED. Make the sign for END.
FIRE (meaning: blaze). Carry right arm well down in front of body, fingers partially closed; raise hand slightly and snap fingers upwards. Repeat.
FIRE (meaning: discharge of weapon). See SHOOT.
FISH. Make sign for WATER, then hold flat right hand, back to right, at right of body near waist; then move the hand to front sinuously.
FIX. Hold left flat hand upwards, right flat hand crossing it at right angles; push edge of right across left, while left flattens with back up.
FLAG. Bring right flat hand out in front right shoulder; place fingers of left hand on wrist of right, then oscillate or wave right hand several times.
FLOAT. Indicate the WATER, RIVER, LAKE, etc. Bring extended left hand in front of breast, back up; lay right hand on it; then move hands with wavy motion to right.
FLOUR. Hold right hand, back to right, in front of body, and rub tips of fingers with tip of thumb; then point to something white and make sign for BREAD.
FLOWER. Make the sign for GRASS at waistline. Then make circle of thumb and index of both hands; then turn outside of hands under, until little fingers touch and thumbs and indexes point up. Some add SMELL and GOOD.
FLY. Make sign for WINGS, as in BIRD.
FOG. Make sign for WATER; then cross hands, fingers open, in front of eyes.
FOLLOW. With palms facing, left hand ahead, thrust both hands forward with zigzag motion.
FOND (meaning: pressed to the heart). Cross wrists, a little in front and above the heart, right nearest body, hands closed, backs out; press right forearm against body and left wrist against right. This expresses regard, liking, fondness, affection and love.
FOOD. Make the sign for EAT.
FOOL. Make the sign for CRAZY. (For UNWISE, INDISCREET or FOOLISH, add sign for LITTLE.)
FOOTPRINTS. Make sign for WALK and for SEE; fingers pointing to ground.
FOOTRACE. Make sign for RUN and for EQUAL. If one comes out ahead, move one finger to front.
FOREST. Hold open right and left hands ten inches out in front of shoulders, back outward, thumb and fingers spread. Move slightly upward, slowly, to indicate growth, then extend right hand to right and front indicating trees extend great distance, then add PLENTY.
FOREVER. Place the open right hand, palm towards right side of head, just clear of head; then move it forward and backward twice, past front and rear of head. In general use fifty years ago, according to Hadley.
FORGET (meaning: mental darkness). Almost make sign for NIGHT, by holding left hand steady in front and sweeping right hand around to left.
FORT (meaning: white soldier's house). Make the sign for WHITE, for SOLDIER, and for HOUSE.
FOUND. This is represented by I SAW IT. PICKED IT UP.
FOX. Show size of animal and large, long tail with white tip.
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FRAGRANT (meaning: smells good). Move the right 2 hand by wrist action upwards from chin, nose passing between tips of fingers; then sign GOOD.
FREEZE. Make the sign for COLD, for WATER, and for HARD.
FREEZE OVER (meaning: ice closing over a stream). Make sign for COLD and for WATER or RIVER; then hold flat hands, backs up, opposite shoulders, fingers pointing to front; move hands toward each other until index fingers touch. Representing ice formed on surface of water.
FRIEND (meaning: brothers growing up together). Hold right hand in front of neck, palm outwards, index and second fingers extending upwards, raise the hand until tips of fingers are high as head. Southern Indians make sign of shaking their own hands, which all Indians now understand.
FROG. Make sign for WATER; then compress right hand near right shoulder and make motion of frog jumping.
FUTURE. (Meaning--time in front.) Make the sign for TIME, then advance the right hand past and beyond the left hand.