GALLOP. Make sign for RIDE; then bring hands in front of center of body, hands held edgewise, left near the body, right in front of same; move the hands simultaneously up and down several times in vertical curves, to imitate action of horse.
GAP (meaning: mountain pass). With index and thumb spread, hold left hand out in front of breast, in form of gap; then pass right hand edgewise through the gap.
GENEROUS. Make signs for HEART and BIG.
GET. Make the sign for POSSESSION.
GIRL. Make the sign for WOMAN; then bring hand down on right side to indicate height; fingers compressed and pointing up.
GIVE. Hold right flat hand, back to right, pointing to front and upwards, in front of body at height of shoulder; move hand out and down.
GIVE ME. About height of neck, bring right well out in front of body, back of hand downwards and slightly to left, lower edge nearest to body, hand flat and pointing upwards; bring hand in towards body and lower slightly.
GIVE NAME TO. Make the signs for CALL and GIVE. Clark says: "A young man, after making his maiden effort on the war path, if he has met with success, sheds his boyish name, and is given frequently the name by which some of the old men of his tribe have always been known."
GLAD (meaning: sunshine in the heart). Make sign for HEART; then sign for DAY or OPENING UP, and SUNRISE. By carrying hands into position on curves as indicated gives grace and beauty to movements.
GLOOMY (meaning: the clouds are close). Make the sign for CLOUDS; then draw them down to near the head.
GLOVE. Pass the spread thumb and index of right over left hand, meaning any covering for the hands.
GO. Hold flat right hand in front of body, back to right, pointing front and downwards; move hand to front, and by wrist action, raise fingers to front and upwards.
GO AHEAD. Make the sign for PUSH.
GOAT (meaning: horns, and whiskers under chin). Bring 1 hands alongside of head, pointing upwards, hands held just over ears; then place back of right wrist against under side of chin, hand compressed and pointing downward.
GOD (meaning: the great mystery). Make signs for MEDICINE and GREAT, and point to zenith.
GOLD. Make the sign for MONEY; then point to something YELLOW in color.
GONE. Make the signs for GO and LONG TIME.
GOOD (meaning: level with the heart). Hold the flat right hand, back up, in front of and close to left breast, pointing to left; move hand briskly well out to front and to right, keeping it in a horizontal plane.
GOOD EVENING. Make the signs for GOOD, DAY and SUNSET. (The true Indian version would be SUNSET, DAY and GOOD.)
GOOD MORNING. Make the signs for GOOD, DAY and SUNRISE. (To be exact, the Indian would say SUNRISE, DAY, and GOOD.)
GOOSE. Make slow sign for BIRD; then indicate triangular shape taken by flocks of geese in their migrations.
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GRANDFATHER. Make the sign for FATHER, and for OLD, by rotating right hand by right ear to indicate that hearing was poor.
GRANDMOTHER. Make the sign for MOTHER, and for OLD, by rotating right hand by right ear to indicate that hearing was poor.
GRASS. Hold the hands, back downwards arms extended downwards to full length, in front of body, fingers extended, separated and slightly curved, pointing upwards; then swing hands apart.
GRAVE. Make signs for DIE and BURY.
GRAY (meaning: white and black). Make the signs for WHITE, LITTLE, BLACK, LITTLE, or make sign for COLOR and point to something gray.
GREAT. With palms toward each other bring extended hands out in front of breast; then separate the hands to right and left.
GREAT MYSTERY. Make the signs for MEDICINE and GREAT.
GREEN. Make the sign for COLOR; then point to the grass if convenient, otherwise to something green.
GRIEVE. Make sign for CRY, and for cutting off hair.
GROW. Hold right hand, back down, index extended, and pointing upwards, in front of body; hand held near the ground; raise hand by gentle jerks.
GUN. Make as though shooting gun, then add sign for FIRE. For rifle add working of lever.