I (meaning: myself). With right extended thumb touch center of breast.
ICE. Make signs for WATER, for COLD, and bring hands together as in FREEZE OVER.
ICICLE. Make sign for WATER, for COLD, and hold right index in front of body, pointing downward.
IMPRISON (meaning: seizing hold of). Hold left fist, back to left, a little higher and in front of left shoulder; then seize left wrist with right hand and pull it some inches to right; then cross wrists in front of body, right on top, hands closed.
IN. For a person "in my house," make signs for HOUSE and SIT.
INCREASE. Hold hands out in front of body, palms toward each other, few inches apart, fingers pointing to front; separate hands and move them out and apart by gentle jerks.
INDIAN. Hold the flat left:hand, back up, in front, and rub it from wrist to knuckles, back and forth, twice.
INFERIOR (meaning: in rank or influence). Index fingers side by side, extended pointing upwards; one index to represent the inferior is held a little lower than the other. For several persons inferior to one, right index is held a little higher than the extended fingers of left.
INJURE (meaning: doing evil to). Referring to someone else, make signs for WORK and BAD. Referring to one's self, make the signs for DO, TO ME, BAD.
INTERPRETER. Make the signs for HE, TALKS, LITTLE, WHITE MAN, TALK and name particular language.
INTERROGATE. As this means QUESTION, the reader is referred to the explanation given under that head.
IRON. Make the sign for HARD and point to something metallic.
ISLAND. Form an incomplete circle with thumbs and indexes of both hands out in front of body, ends of thumbs and indexes an inch apart; leave left hand in position, and make sign for WATER with right hand; then with tips of compressed right hand draw a circle outside the circle first formed.