RABBIT. Show the height of rabbit; then make the sign for JUMP.
RACE. State kind of race. Then move index fingers forward as in EQUAL.
RAILWAY. Make the sign for WAGON; then for FIRE with right hand held well up in front of head, then sign FAST.
RAIN (meaning: falling from clouds). In front of head hold closed hands, near each other, backs up, in same relative positions; lower hands a trifle by wrist action, and while doing so open the hands. Repeat motion twice, slowly.
RAINBOW. Make the sign for RAIN, and for FINISHED; then with extended right hand, back up, imitate circle of rainbow in sky.
RAPIDS. Make the sign for RIVER and for ROCK; then hold right 5 hand near breast, pointing downwards; with tremulous motion move hand quickly to front and down.
RASH. Hold the left flat hand over the eyes, then thrust the right index outward from back of left hand.
RATTLE. With closed right hand held in front and above right shoulder, shake the hand as if it was a rattle. (The rattle is an important musical instrument in Indian ceremonies.)
RATTLESNAKE. Make the sign for SNAKE; then extend right index upwards in front of right shoulder and vibrate sharply.
READING. Make signs for BOOK and LOOK.
RECEIVE. Make the sign for POSSESSION.
RECOVER. Place right 1 hand before right breast, back up, forearm horizontal; raise the hand until forearm straight up, turning hand until back is to front. This means recovery from sickness or escape from danger.
RED (meaning: paint used on face). With fingers pointing upward, rub right cheek with inside first joints of right hand, making circular motion.
REMAIN. Make the sign for SIT.
REMEMBER. Make the signs for HEART, and KNOW.
REPEAT. Make the sign for OFTEN.
RESTRAIN. Make the sign for HOLD, and for KEEP QUIET.
RETREAT. Make the sign for CHARGE, to show the attack; then by wrist action turn the hands so that fingers point to rear.
RICH. Make the signs for POSSESS, MANY, PONIES (or HORSES).
RIDE. If animal is meant, make the sign for HORSE, and then move hands forward in small curves. If riding a vehicle make the sign for same, and then make sign for SIT on left palm.
RING (finger). Hold left 5 hand in front of breast, lying flat, back up; then touch back of finger on third joint with right index.
RISING MAN. Make sign for person; then hold left hand at height of neck, palm outwards, index pointing upwards; bring extended index of right hand beside and lower than left; raise right slowly until well above other hand.
RIVER (meaning: water flowing). Make the sign for water; then move right hand to left of face, height of neck, index extended pointing left, move hand to right until opposite right shoulder, with index horizontal.
ROAD. With both open hand palms up, alternately push hands back and forth. A modern sign gives TRAIL and WAGON.
ROCK. Make the sign for HARD, and indicate shape.
ROPE. Hold hands as in AFTER; then with tip of right index make a spiral curve by wrist action while drawing right hand to rear.
ROSE. Hold slightly compressed left hand out in front; then with right compressed pluck at ends of fingers.
RUN (to). Make the sign for WALK and for FAST.
RUN AGAINST. Hold flat left hand in front of breast, back out; hold right in same relative Position but nearer body; move right briskly so that back strikes inside of left hand