UGLY. Pass the palm of flat right hand in a circle close to face; then make the sign for BAY).
UNCERTAIN. Make the sign for PERHAPS.
UNDECIDED. Make the sign for PERHAPS.
UNDERSTAND. Make the sign for KNOW.
UNITE. Make the sign for WITH.
UNLUCKY. Make the signs for MEDICINE and BAD.
UP. Point upward with right index.
US. Make the signs for ME, ALL.
UTE--Indian. Make sign for INDIAN and for BLACK, and rub the face as in RED.
VACCINATE. Make the signs for WHITES, MEDICINE, MAN, and with extended right index finger strike left arm between shoulder and elbow.
VIGILANT. Make sign for LOOK, pointing in different directions and moving hand rapidly; then signs MUCH, SLEEP, NO.
VILLAGE. Make sign for TEEPEE, and for MANY.
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WAGON (meaning: wheels). Hold hands, backs down, at equal distance in front of body, four inches apart, index fingers curved, others and thumb closed; indicate motion of wheels by making small circle with indexes.
WAGON (COVERED). Make the sign for WAGON; then hold both flat hands, backs up, indexes touching, height of face, and sweep them out and down in a curve to indicate wagon top.
WAGON-ROAD. Make the signs for ROAD and WAGON.
WAIT. Make sign for HALT, but more gently and not stopping abruptly. Repeat gesture.
WALK (meaning: motion of feet). For a person, hold flat hands in front of body equally advanced; move right to front, upwards and downwards describing an oval circle; move left to front in same way; as left is brought down draw right hand to rear and repeat first motion, thereby alternating the motions of the feet. For an animal, close the hands and make same motions as above.
WANT (meaning: give me). Hold the right hand close to chin back to right, form an unclosed circle with thumb and index, back of index at height of mouth, half inch space between tips of index and thumb, plane of circle vertical; move hand in slight curve downwards, outwards and upwards; turning hand by wrist action, ending with little finger as high as index.
WAR. Make the sign for FIGHT.
WAR BONNET. Carry the flat hands from front to rear, close to sides of head, fingers pointing upwards, palms toward head; then carry right hand from top of head well down to rear of body.
WAR-CLUB. Show the size of war-club stone; denote rawhide covering of handle by clasping left index with right hand; then strike to front and down with right hand.
WAR-DANCE. Make the signs for WAR, and DANCE.
WARRIOR. Make the signs for MAN, and WAR.
WASH. Make the sign for WATER; then by motions imitate the act of washing.
WATCH. With thumb and index of left hand form a horizontal circle; then hold right index over same and move tip around the indicated circle; make sign for LOOK pointing at circle; make sign for KNOW, and for SUN-all of which indicates size of watch, movement of hands-by looking at same you will know where the Sun is.
WATER (meaning: drinking out of palm of hand). Hold the cupped right hand, back down, in front of and little above mouth; fingers pointing to left and upwards; then move hand downwards, turning palm towards mouth. At end of RIVER or LAKE some Indians make the sign of dipping a handful of water with right cupped hand, held waist high.
WE. Make the signs for I or ME and ALL.
WEAK. Make signs for STRONG and NO.
WHEN. Make the sign for QUESTION, for HOW MANY, and indicate whether SLEEPS, MOONS, or WINTERS.
WHERE (meaning: what point). Make the sign for QUESTION, then point with right index in different directions.
WHIP. With closed right hand strike from front to right and rear, as though riding a horse and whipping him with a quirt.
WHISKEY. Make the signs for FIRE and WATER.
WHITE. Make the sign for COLOR; then rub with tip of right index the small segment at upper end of left thumb nail, or point to something white.
WHITES (meaning: cap wearers). Hold right hand to left of face on level of eyes, back up, index pointing to left; draw hand over to right side, index finger passing across above the eyes.
WHITE MAN. Make the sign for WHITES and for MAN.
WHY. Make the sign for INTERROGATE or QUESTION, but turn the hand very slowly.
WICKEY-UP. Hold hands several inches apart in front of body, indexes extended and lapping; from this position change the hands, back up, edges pointing to front, fingers separated and slightly curved, move hands downward on curve.
WIFE. Make the signs for FEMALE and MARRY.
WILD. Make the sign for BY ITSELF.
WILL (meaning: I will). Make the sign for PUSH.
WIND. Hold the hands with backs up, near body at height of shoulders, and with wavy motion move the hands in direction of the wind.
WINTER. Hold up the closed hands in front of body, forearms vertical, hands several inches apart; then give a shivering, tremulous motion to hands. With most Indians, a year is called a winter, or one cold.
WISE (meaning: heart and head both good). Make the sign for HEART, touch forehead, and make sign for GOOD.
WITH. Hold flat left hand, back to left, in front; bring side of extended right index against center of left palm, index pointing to front.
WOLF. Hold the right hand with palm outwards near right shoulder, first and second fingers extended and separated and pointing up; move the hand several inches to front and upwards.
WOMAN. Make the sign for FEMALE and indicate height.
WOOD. Make the signs for TREE and CHOP.
WOODPECKER. Make the sign for BIRD; then hold left forearm about vertical in front of left shoulder; now bring partially compressed right hand and place it near elbow of left forearm, right side; move hand with a jump to left side; then to little higher up, showing manner of hopping around a tree; then lower left hand and tap palm several times with tip of curved index of right hand.
WORK. Bring flat hands in front of body edgewise, few inches apart, right hand higher and back of left; then raise and lower the hands by wrist action, to indicate working.
WOUND. Hold right 1 hand in front of body; move hand briskly towards body, turning index finger to left or right so that it grazes surface of body.
WRAP. Bring slightly compressed hands, backs outward, in front of body, backs of fingers of right hand resting against palm of left, fingers horizontal; then move hands around each other in rotary motion.
WRITE. Hold flat left hand, back to front and down, out in front of body, fingers pointing to right; then as if with pencil between thumb and index of right hand, make as though writing on left palm.