Seventh Philosophy
I will think about what kind of person I want to be when I am an
Elder. I will start developing myself now to be this person.
I will walk with the Great Spirit and the grandfathers at my side.
I will develop myself to remain positive. I will develop a good mind.
I will examine myself daily to see what I did good and what I need
to improve. I will examine my strength and weaknesses, then I will ask
the Creator to guide me. I will develop a good mind.
Each day, I will listen to the Creators voice in the wind. I will
watch nature and ask to be shown a lesson which will occur on my path.
I will seek out the guiding principles which guided my ancestors.
I will walk in dignity, honor and humility, conducting myself as a warrior.
I will seek the guidance of the Elders so that I may maintain the
knowledge of culture, ceremonies, and songs, and so that I may pass
these on to the future generations.
I choose to do all these things myself, because no one else can do
them for me.
I know I cannot give away what I don't have so I will need to walk
the talk.