| (2 recommendations so far) | Message 1 of 3 in Discussion |
| From: Annie-LL (Original Message) | Sent: 7/10/2004 4:39 AM |
From: mamthesonak (Original Message) | Sent: 9/07/2004 4:38 PM | The Vision Quest Those of us on a spiritual path believe that we are put on this earth for a special reason, but that reason is not always clear to us. We want to know what we need to accomplish in life for our highest benefit, and, in turn, the benefit of the world. The vision quest can reveal our life’s purpose, but it is an arduous journey into the core of our being that we should only embark upon with sincerity. William Walk Sacred cautions, "It’s very important for people to realize that this is not fun and games. Going into the spiritual world is very serious. If the intent isn’t clear, the spirits will not give the vision. The most important thing is being clear in your heart as to what you are seeking for yourself and the people of the world." How to embark on a vision quest varies greatly from tribe to tribe. Walk Sacred’s experience, as a Cree Indian, involved a long period of preparation, which he says is designed, in part, to weed out all but the most committed. Walk Sacred describes this procedure in great detail: | |
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| 0 recommendations | Message 2 of 3 in Discussion |
| | Sent: 11/28/2005 12:26 AM |
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What is a vision quest? A vision quest is a rite of passage, which has been used for centuries by native american indians and other aboriginal cultures. After a period of preparation, it usually involves a 3 or 4 day period of being alone, in nature, fasting, having brought along only the bare essentials to survive. Those days are spent in prayer and meditation, reflecting on life and on the changes the quester is faced with. The quester seeks Self-knowledge, and is willing to separate from familiar surroundings in order to find it. Alone in nature, without food or familiar distractions, the quester is faced with Self on as deep a level as he/she is ready and willing to open up to, and so knowledge is found. The quester is then faced with the task of bringing that new self, the new vision, the new understanding or knowledge back into the world, for the benefit of the community. |