The beauty of herbs is in their ability to help your own body/mind heal itself, a process that it does most efficiently. The problem with herbs lies with the users, they have a tendency to become their own doctors. Herbalism is a natural way to supplement conventional medical care, not replace it. Learning about herbs and how they react in the body can be a dangerous knowledge if common sense rules are ignored. | | type=text/javascript></SCRIPT> src="" type=text/javascript> </SCRIPT> | Throughout the descriptions of herbs you will find comments like "may prevent", "may help", "may ease", "may be effective", and so on. The reason these phrases are used is because limitations are placed on them by the FDA.
In most cases, if you go to a store and peruse the herbal items for sale there, you will find little, if any information on the label regarding what the herb does for you. Again, this is because of FDA restrictions. It is best to purchase books that describe the use and benefits of herbs to go along with the supplements that you buy. Suggested doses are usually found on the labels but remember even these vary greatly between manufacturers, strengths vary as well. Other factors need to be taken into consideration, too, like individual circumstance, allergies and effects on your system.
Use some common sense guidelines in the use of herbs. Please pay particular attention to them and remember that any serious condition needs to be dealt with by a licensed medical doctor or herbalist. Do not attempt to treat yourself for serious medical problems without guidance. from Herbalistic magazine |