Lozen - Chiricahua Apache
Lozen was the sister of mighty Apache war leader Victorio, and the most famous of the Apache War Women. Lozen was born in a section of New Mexico/Arizona/Northern Mexico known at that time as Apacheria, somewhere in the 1840s. She let it be known at a very early age that she had no interest in learning the women's duties of the tribe, and set out on the warrior's path - taught by her famous brother. Lozen was quite unlike her counterpart, Dahteste. Lozen had no concern for her appearance and, even though she is in several famous photos of Geronimo with his warriors, there is nothing to indicate that she is a woman. You would never spot her. She was very manly in her appearance, dressed like a man, lived and fought like a man. She never married, and devoted her life to the service of her people.
At her puberty ceremony, Lozen was given the power to find the enemy which she did by going alone to a deserted spot, praying with her arms outstretched and her open palms heavenward. As she prayed, she turned until she felt a tingling in her palms and knew that she had found the direction of the enemy. She could tell the distance of the enemy by the intensity of the tingling.
In addition to her considerable skill as a warrior, Lozen was also a skilled reconnaissance scout and clever battle strategist. She took part in warrior's ceremonies, sang war songs, and directed the dances of the war parties before going into battle. Before one of their major battles, it is written that Lozen made the members of the party swear that, should her beloved brother Victorio be killed, they would eat his body rather than have it fall into enemy hands. Victorio survived.
In addition to all of these talents, Lozen was also a gifted medicine woman, seer and shaman. Her guidance was sought by many far and wide, and her advice to them was always true. It was while performing her duties as a medicine woman for a Mescalero woman in childbirth that she was not able to perform her usual rituals prior to her band going into battle. Because they did not know the enemy's whereabouts, the band was ambushed, and Victorio was killed. Many of her people believed that such a tragedy would not have befallen them had Lozen been available for guidance.
Lozen was the other war woman who eventually rode with Geronimo and, with Dahteste, convinced him to surrender to the white military. She was also taken to the prison in Florida, and later was transported to Mount Vernon Barracks in Alabama. Lozen died there, presumably of tuberculosis, at the approximate age of 50.