There was once a beautiful princess named Forrest. She was a sweet child who always listened to her parents and everyone loved her. Even the animals loved her and spoke to her. One day, it was her birthday. There was a wonderful huge pink cake that was made for her. It was so big that it was even taller than Forrest!
All the people of the village and from miles and miles around came to her birthday party. They brought her many presents. She got a new pair of moccasins and a beautiful dress with pretty fringe and she got dolls that did all kinds of marvelous things. She even got a new SLINKY. She was really happy and playing with her toys when an old woman in the village came up leading the most beautiful white pony that anyone had ever seen. He had a long mane and tail and he had a pair of beautiful wings. The old woman said, "Princes Forrest, because you are so kind and good, I want you to have this pony for your birthday." Princess Forrest said, "Thank you ma'am" and she got on the pony and started to ride across the sky, way up high in the air. She could touch the clouds and they were just like cotton candy.
As she rode across the sky, she looked down. She crossed the water and the trees in the forest. All of the animals yelled out to her. The fish said with bubbles, "Helloooo Princess Forrest." The fox was hopping in the Forest and he yelled, "Hello there Princess Forrest." And all of the other animals, the owl, the wolf, the raccoons and bunnies and the deer, they all hollered up to Forrest as she flew by on her magic pony.
She was having fun riding on her pony across the sky, but she went far far from home. She suddenly looked down, and did not know where she was! She was very scared.
Suddenly there was a loud crack of thunder and the rain started to fall and the sky was all black. Forrest and her pony were getting very wet and they were very very cold because she had forgotten to bring a coat or a blanket. The pony could not see to fly so he landed in a strange land. It was all black with sharp rocks and the trees were all dead.
They went into a cave to get out of the rain. Princess Forrest was in the wrong place to be. She was so scared that she started to cry. Suddenly, there was a very loud BOOOM of thunder that shook all the rocks in the cave. A crack opened up and from the ground came the awful troll Ravenmocker. He was ugly and slimy and he was very evil. He stole the magic pony and took it to his land under the ground. Princess Forrest was so scared, that she did not know what to do. She wanted to go home. She cried and cried.
Then, there was a big bear that came into the cave. Princess Forrest was even scared of the bear because he was so big. He was even bigger than her daddy, he was so big. He looked at her and said, Princess Forrest, why do you cry? I will not hurt you. I am a friendly bear and I protect all children." Princess Forrest told him about her pony and the ugly troll Ravenmocker and how he had stolen her beautiful birthday pony. The bear heard her story and told her, do not worry, little Princess. I am here to help you. The bear then started chewing a piece of bubble gum and he blew a great big bubble. The bubble was so big that it was big enough for Princess Forrest to get into. The bear told her, "You ride in this bubble now to your home. You will be safe. It will not fall out of the sky and it will take you home to get your daddy so he can help you get your pony back."
Princes Forrest rode in the bubble all night long until she got home the next morning. Her mommy and daddy had been so worried about their little Princess. They thought she was lost forever. Princess Forrest told her daddy everything about flying through the cotton candy clouds and about waving at all her friends the animals. Then she told him about the thunder and the rain and how the ugly, slimy troll, Ravenmocker had stolen her beautiful flying pony and took him far down under the ground where it was dark. She cried because she thought her pony might be afraid of the dark and she didn't want him to get dirty either.
Her father got his knife and he put it in his belt. Then he and Princess Forrest climbed back into the magic bubble and set off to rescue her pony. On the way, she waved hello to all her animal friends. When they heard of the pony being stolen by the Ravenmocker, they were very mad and they started to follow the bubble to the land of the cave where it always rained and thundered loud and where the Ravenmocker troll lived.
When they all got to the land of the cave, they began to form an animal army. They were going to help fight the Ravenmocker and help rescue the flying pony. Forrest showed the friendly bear to her daddy. The bear said, "Climb on my back Forrest's daddy, and I will take you all to the land of the troll called Ravenmocker.
Then, very very quietly, they slipped through the crack in the floor of the cave and went down down down, deep into the ground. All the animals followed. Everyone was very very quiet.
Suddenly, they were standing right in front of the Ravenmocker troll and he had a whole army of ugly trolls with him! Well, I can tell you, it was a good thing that all of the animals came with Forrest and her daddy because they started biting and scratching the bad trolls. It was a big big fight. The bear stood up on his back legs with Princess Forrest's daddy on his back and her daddy took out his knife. He had a big fight with the Ravenmocker troll and Forrest was afraid her daddy would get hurt, but the bear was helping to protect him too, because bears help protect daddies too. Then, her daddy pulled out his big knife and he cut the Ravenmocker troll until his slimy blood came out and he died.
When all the other trolls saw that their leader, the Ravenmocker troll was dead, they stopped fighting. They ran away very fast because they were afraid of the army of animals and Forrest's daddy who was riding on the back of a great big bear. Then the deer hollered out, "I found the pony! Here he is!" Oh, that poor little pony, he was so scared that he didn't even have his wings out and he was very dirty from being under the ground. But he was so happy when he saw Princess Forrest that his wings popped right back out again! Princess Forrest hugged the bear who had been kind and helped her. Her father shook the bear's hand and said, "Thank you for helping us my friend." Then, Princess Forrest and her daddy climbed on the pony's back and started to fly home. All her animal friends followed them and went back to their homes in the water and in the forest.
When they got home, her daddy put his big knife back up. Her mommy gave them each a big piece of birthday cake and after they ate it, she put the pony and Princess Forrest into a great big bubble bath and let them play until they got clean again. Then, Princess Forrest lay down on her little bed. Her mommy put a blanket on the floor and let the birthday pony sleep there beside Princess Forrest's bed. They both slept for a long long time. And now, it is time for all good little girls all over the world to go to sleep.
The End.
moon_grace This article copyrighted to moon_grace