The Spotted Pony
Within the village lived a spotted pony. Everybody in the village would complain about this pony. Look at her one would say; she is to wild and crazy. Another would jump in she is always fighting with the other ponies. This pony doesn't listen. This pony makes to much noise. On and on the villagers would take their turn complaining about the spotted pony in the camp. One warrior saw something different in the spotted pony. He saw that the spotted pony was being beat down and mistreated through words and actions. He saw that the spotted pony wanted to be a good pony but because of the events of her life she was fighting an internal battle. The warrior saw a pony that could be a great war pony to carry a warrior through many battles. This warrior began to spend time with this pony and noticed that when he was around the spotted pony didn't act wild. She didn't fight with the other ponies. She didn't do the things that the other villagers complained about when he was around. One day the spotted pony will grow up to be a mare. The question is will this pony grow up to be a scarred up mare from the abuse of the villagers or will the warriors belief and trust in her be enough for the pony to be that fine war pony he see's in her.
The message:
Our youth today are fighting an internal battle. Each of us have a choice to make. We can be like the villagers and point out all the flaws in their character and reinforce them or we can be like the warrior who sees the good characteristics in the pony (our youth)and reinforces them. The warriors way is the harder way but the better way. Our youth already hears enough of the bad instead of the good. If we all take the way of the warrior more of our youth would not turn to drugs for escapism. More of our youth would have more self-respect and self-confidence. More of our youth would grow to become positive role models and last but not least this world would be a better place to live.
Written by Bear Warrior