Native Wisdom for White Minds
Reflections Inspired by Native Peoples of the World
The honor of one is the honor of all. The hurt of one is the hurt of all. –Phil Lane, Jr., Yankton Sioux/Chickasaw Four Worlds Institute - American Indian.
When one is honored, we all benefit. There is no real competition except with us. When we are following our own path and being respectful of that path, we hope and assume that others are doing the same. Therefore, when others accomplish something and are honored for that accomplishment, it is because they have been true to their path. Since all of us are connected and are sisters and brothers, we feel proud that members of our human family are honored.
As a part of this creation, we are interconnected with everything. When any part of this creation is violated or wounded, we feel that violation. We are affected by that violation. Since we are all participants in this great creation, we hurt when others are hurt. Wounding is not individual.
Healing Thoughts
In sharing the honor and the hurt of all, I have the possibility of becoming one with all Creation. I can, therefore, move beyond what I, by myself, can be and do.
Mitakuye Oyasin