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Astral=OBE : Astral Projection
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Recommend  Message 1 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname♥Pet_lamb�?/nobr>  (Original Message)Sent: 4/5/2005 11:25 AM
I tried for about 5 months or so to have an OBE but with out success.  I'll tell you one experience i did have before i even read books on Astral Projection.  i was waking up one weekend and i even have the same image in my head now of looking at two cupboards across my bedroom and couldn't move a muscle!...i tried to shout for my boyfriend but i don't think i could speak, or hear myself anyway, but i was really scared that i couldn't move. then i really fought to wake up and get out of what i was in and did it. it only lasted 10 minutes or less, but i'l never forget it.  If you are scared of having an OBE does that make it harder to happen?  Jen.xx

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Recommend  Message 2 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamevayda8Sent: 4/5/2005 10:39 PM
I can't really help you with this but your experience reminds me of my own....I was laying in bed when all of a sudden I was above my body looking down at myself in the bed....I was looking around my room thinking what in the world is going on???I too was very scared and tried with everything I had to try to get back to my body when I felt it trying to fight and float away (to where I was going Im not sure)...Im not sure how long this lasted for but I found nothing peaceful about this but then again I was young and didnt know what was happening to me....I did eventually come back into my body....Now that I know it is ok to let go If it happened again I might not fight it again but I have not experienced anything like that again probably because I am scared also...Hugs Vayda

Recommend  Message 3 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamekat-fishonSent: 4/6/2005 5:37 AM
I think that fear does prevent one from astal travelling.  Years ago I had a bad experience where I was trapped on the ceiling, (the house was haunted with an evil presence). Anyway, I did successfully astral travel in my sleep, but only within the house, and now, about 15 yrs later I cannot seem to do it and I do not know why. No matter how I try, and I am not scared, I just cannot seem to get out of my body.  Who knows what my subconcious is thinking though...perhaps I keep thinking back to that trapped episode without realizing it.

Recommend  Message 4 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamekitten250_Sent: 4/6/2005 5:46 AM

Yes Jen it dose make it alot harder to have obe if you are scared of doing so Take it 1 day at a time each time befor laying down to rest or sleep ask God The angels and your guieds for protection

and you will be safe and Blessed

Love and Blessings


Recommend  Message 5 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname♥Pet_lamb�?/nobr>Sent: 4/7/2005 11:04 AM
Thanks for everyone's input.  I have heard also that kids do it all the time without realising it!.. Kids are more open minded I that they can see faeries and are just open to more things, and more innocent of course.   I do know it takes time to have an OBE...but I need to sort myself out emotionally first

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Sent: 5/22/2005 9:40 AM
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Recommend  Message 7 of 8 in Discussion 
From: Soul2SoulSent: 9/8/2005 2:15 PM
Hi Pet Lamb,
In this situation try repeatedly saying "White Light Protect me"..It really works.
You will feel fairly quickly a sense of peace and protection as the white light pours into you soul and your environment...This will open your heart for this support and protection.
Sometimes if we are acutely sensitive to evil entities it leaves us vulnerable. Practicing this regularly diverts you from their path.
Love and Light!
Soul2Soul xxx

Recommend  Message 8 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname♥Pet_lamb�?/nobr>Sent: 9/8/2005 3:28 PM
Great, thanks Soul!!

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