Nope, not going to happen. The poor and oppressed? Right. All the poor and oppressed are worried about is getting the government handouts so they can get the next meal, next on the list, getting some dope wheels and a little bling bling. You are right. The percentage wasn't 99%. But it was a lot more than the percentage today that would revolt, or that could be contained to burning down their own neighborhoods. Dade County, Los Angeles, Chicago.Been tried, didn't work, ain't gonna do it again. People riot today for one of two reasons; their team won or their team lost. That's about it. And the rest, watch it on TV, yawn, and go back to making their lunch. Maybe a few are lazy. Most however, just don't agree with you, believe this is the best country on earth, believe God and Country are synonomous, and basically don't agree there's anything at all wrong with it.
Change, if change occurs, will occur very slowly, over decades and lifetimes. The likelyhood of some grand revolution is so remote as to be ridiculous.
But I have a bigger question.
Has Betwixt now become a political discussion site? Seems like it to me. The election's over, there's plenty of things people can do to get involved, as there was before the election. How about some on-topic discussions?