 | | From:  jennypoll (Original Message) | Sent: 12/8/2008 8:52 PM |
My teenage years? Oh dear! Would I want to be back there? That was when I knew it all, At least, that was my thinking Platforms made me six feet tall Looked old enough for drinking In maxi-dress or mini-skirt, (Depending on the weather) Or hippy style, cheesecloth shirt Tasselled belt �?coloured leather High laced boots in PVC Cost all my first week’s wages I could not afford, you see Black leather ones for ages The youth club was the highlight Of the week for guys and chicks Bus to town on Friday night From our village in the sticks Problem was, the last one back Departed at half past nine (Transport was our biggest lack) And we often cut it fine! If we went to watch a flick We couldn’t stay to the end Last minute, we’d run out quick Envious of scooter’d friend It wasn’t all froth and fun Mostly we worked hard at school (Though there was a skinhead one Who was just a stupid fool) We started a petition To stop baby seal clubbing With scorn and great derision Gave our M.P. a drubbing He knew we weren’t just messing When the teachers joined in too Even had the Head’s blessing For the first time ever, too! My teenage years? Oh dear! I wouldn’t want to be back there?
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Sounds like an exciting venture Jen...great share... Mariaxx |
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Pam Ayres! You've got competition. A triumph of rhyme and scansion,Jen! A definite contender for the 2008 Zydha Awards.[ I'm not sure what category?] Over to you Zydha! |
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Dear Philip and Maria, you are both so kind .....I wasn't going to write for this challenge, because now he knows too much about me .....LOL xx |
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Dear Jenny, If you hadn't let the seal's into the youth club in the first place you wouldn't have had to petition your MP against them clubbing ?  |
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ROFLMAO this is too funny...loved it, made my day... |
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lol! I can't shift this mental picture of you trying to run for the bus in your plastic boots! Fine rhyme, Jen. |
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Oh Gordon .....please shift that image ....I've heard enough about kinky black boots lately ...lol Maria ....we aim to make you chuckle ....lol |
 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 12/11/2008 12:47 PM |
Heehee...had the same problem in the stilletoed sixties, Jen, leave everything early to catch that last bus, we'd invariably miss and end up walking three miles in stockinged feet! Nice insight into a nice package, we adopted a dolphin after trying the no clubbing petition, but the one obvious comment between yours, Gordon,s and mine, we were aware of much more that was wrong in the world than I think the young of today are...about so many things, generally speaking, Zy x |
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I seem to remember a lot of accidents in the 70's. Seals in three-inch platform boots were always falling over.  |
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Sorry, Jen - I tried washing the image away but the heels got jammed in the drain cover!  |
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Oh no ! Gordon, that was another time I was trying to forget ....spent a whole evening either hopping or barefoot ......damn shoes ....damn drain covers  |
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