 | | From:  1oldarmybear (Original Message) | Sent: 12/19/2008 1:48 AM |
Holiday Cheer Carolers' songs and snowfall fill the evening air Children chatter excitedly Wondering when will Santa be there Mama prays quietly for The gift of holiday cheer Because her husband's in a war zone For at least another year Her nights are cold and lonely Her days are painfully long She wonders what will happen If something should go wrong Christmas is supposed to be A time of celebration filled With all of the good things of life But it is hard to be so happy When you're a deployed soldier's wife Copyright ©2008 Don Tyson 12-18-08 |
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Hi Don... my membership has now been reinstated and I have also ben busy on other projects. Just to say I enjoyed the lilt and rhythm of this poem which encapsulates everything about this time of year.. your frien d..ken |
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I feel for all who have a loved one in a war zone, especially at this time, when so many have their families around them for days |
 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 12/20/2008 2:11 AM |
Nicely turned around, Don, this is the time to remember..... well done, Zy |
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thanks to all who responded. I have joined the multyply version of the corner here. If you wish to continue to read me should go there as well. you may contact me through the contacts page there... Don |
 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 12/21/2008 12:55 AM |
I wish I could, Don, but somehow, Multiply will no longer recognise my sign in, and because I am already a member, it won't let me rejoin. Can view all sites over but cannot interact, Zy |
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I liked the write, Don. A very good thing to spare thoughts for others at this time. As to multiply, the plan is now to move to Aimoo at the end of the year. Keep an eye on the Special Announcement thread for further details. I'll also post an information message in the multiply corner later, as Zy cannot access. Gordon |
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