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Can you hear the angel cry Falling tears from heaven The wind in mournful whistle An echo of her sigh
And music from her harp is stilled A mourning sun is set Casting all into a gloom And summer breezes chilled
Thunderclouds of black and blue Crash in anger at her woe A fork of lightening lights the sky In punishment now due
And words that fall from lips who lie False lovers now take flight Banished to the Ether lands In doomed despair to die Emma
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Hi Emma, That is such a wonderful poem. There's some beautiful lines in there and i particularly like the first stanza. Also, another thing i noticed is that it has a really unique rhyming pattern, one that i certainly havent come across very often and it does have a really good effect on the whole read of the poem. The title is powerful in itself too. It's lovely. Emma. (Fluff.) |
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Hi Emma A beautiful but sad poem, I agree with Fluff about the rhyming pattern, it is really effective. A good poem, I enjoyed reading it. Mari |
 | | From:  Zydha | Sent: 5/8/2004 6:23 AM |
Beautifully metaphoric, Emma, my poems are extremely personal to me and it is not often I say 'I wish I'd written this'... but I do. Your words are full of meaning and I also like the your unusual rhymimg pattern, it does work really well, Zydha |
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Thanks Everyone for your comments  Val, Mari, Fluff, Zydha I wasn't really aware that the rhyming pattern was unusual as its a style I have used before - but I do like experimenting with different styles. I did wonder if perhaps it was a bit on the miserable side, so I am very flattered with your comments Zydha - my poetry is very personal to me also - I think to write poetry you have to write from the heart. Emma  |
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A lovely, wistful poem Emma, I wonder if it would work better with a bit of punctuation...?...but that's just me....  : )lb |
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Thanks lb  I vary with punctuation - I know some people consider it all important, but I feel it should be up to the writer if they deem it necessary to use. Emma  |
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