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Prescription meds beta blocker eye drops - didn't notice anything
Herbs bilberry, b12 - didn't notice anything
Accupuncture no
Massage yes - this helps a ton - when i'm stressed, this helps my stress and som
Chiropractic yes - helps a ton - when i'm "well adjusted" my som calms down
Surgery no
Name Tiphanie
Creator MSN NicknameHavasugirl3
Updated 9/16/2005
Prescription meds Betaxolol, Timolol (Beta Blockers)
Massage Sacrocranial Massage
Name JED
Creator MSN Nicknameambothered2much
Updated 6/30/2006
Prescription meds imipramine(tofranil), clonazepam(klonopin), diazepam(valium) gabapentin (works), lorazapam(helps)
Herbs bilberry(didn't notice a thing)
Accupuncture ouch! no needles here please.
Massage yes, at the chiro
Chiropractic Yes, every 8 weeks and it helps!
Surgery no way!
Name kelbel
Creator MSN Nicknamekelbel59
Updated 7/20/2007
Prescription meds Tegretol
Name Jo
Creator MSN Nicknamejoblob28
Updated 8/22/2005
Prescription meds Tegretol, Neurontin, Topamax, Zonegran
Herbs Bilberry, B vitamins
Massage Considering
Chiropractic Considering
Surgery Considered it, started to feel better, didn't do it!
Name Jeanie
Creator MSN NicknameJumpinJeanie
Updated 9/18/2005
Prescription meds Tegretol, Zonegran, Neurontin
Herbs Valerian, big dud
Accupuncture Maybe
Massage Will be trying myo fascial
Chiropractic Maybe
Surgery Eeeeek!
Name Juds
Creator juds
Updated 5/6/2005
Prescription meds Timolol, Namenda/Memantine, Gabapentin/Neurontin (3 x 300mg/day)
Herbs B-complex vitamins, One a Day - help with general health
Accupuncture Once - very relaxing, no change in symptoms
Massage Tried Cranio-Sacral therapy once. Again, no change in symptoms.
Chiropractic Twice - no change in symptoms
Surgery Not yet - I do have nerve compression, so it's a possibility
Name ZestyChicken2
Creator MSN NicknameZestyChicken2
Updated 10/14/2005