A A A place to share your interests - This link section is where you can share,with other members, sites of personal interest to you. Other than following MSN's rules, just about anything can be shared here. Remember to post the actual URL address as your link.
A late-night guilty pleasure - I admit it, I love this radio program. I'm old and cannot stay up very late, but on those occasions when I am up late, up early or am visited by the insomnia faerie, I will almost always listen: http://www.coasttocoastam.com/gen/page1657.html
All the news that's fit to -
All things Wobegon - Who doesn't love a good rhubarb pie? OMG, be-bob-a-re-bop, if you don't know what that means, you are not spending your early Saturday evening time very well. http://prairiehome.publicradio.org/
Creative pursuits - I have hundreds of favorite things that fuel the creative juices. Here are just a few that can be found online.
Furry, feathered, finned or scaled, - our pets (companion animals, if you want to be PC) are an integral part of our lives and families. Here are some of my favorite animal-related sites. - ASPCA, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. This is the national organization, but local, affiliated chapters can be found in most states (US): http://www.aspca.org/site/PageServer
- HSUS, Humane Society of the United States. Again, the national organization, with many local chapters: http://www.hsus.org/
- Vet On-Line, a great UK site: http://www.priory.com/vet.htm
- VetNet. Another excellent UK site: http://www.vetnet.co.uk/
- NetVet. If you have a few hours, days or weeks to fill, this is your portal to hundreds of animal related sites, provided by Washington University in Missouri: http://netvet.wustl.edu/
- Merck Veterinary Manual. As excellent as their human resources: http://www.merckvetmanual.com/mvm/index.jsp
- If you are looking for a new pet, please, please, puhleeeeeze, visit your local animal or humane shelter, or rescue organization. Please, please, puhleeeeeze do not go to backyard or casual breeders, the Internet, the idiot down the street/neighborhood who let his pet breed, or even worse, pet stores. I will tell you that after twenty-five years of rescue work, I have never found a pet store that sold dogs or cats from any source other than pet mills, which are horrible places about which you do not want the gory details. However, pet stores that showcase shelter pets deserve your attention and patronage for all your pet needs. Can you tell that this holds a lot of energy and emotion for me? Anyway, that is why you won't find any links for finding a new pet..err...companion animal on this site. Ever. However, if you absolutely have your heart set on a particular breed and after checking all of the above resources you haven't found one, there are ways to find a good breeder (http://www.hsus.org/pets/pet_adoption_information/). Another however, did you know that 25-50% of the dogs and cats in shelters are purebreds? So, start there.
- More to come.
Heeeere, kitty... -
Hey, Paula - No, no, no, not the cooking babe, although she (the cooking babe) is quite the ticket, but this is for Paula Poundstone. Not much on her site, but, despite her most public troubles, she is still a nice person and should not be forgotten. So, visit her site: http://www.paulapoundstone.com/ and, Wait, Wait, don't tell me!, where she is a regular: http://www.npr.org/programs/waitwait/
Mathematics made delicious -
Perfect pets? -
The ties that bind me...to food - Here are a bunch of links to some of my favorite food sites, most of which concern things that I can no longer eat. But, a girl can still dream, can't she???? - First, that cooking babe: http://pauladeen.com/
- Might as well link to the Food Network: http://www.foodnetwork.com/
- I have a huge crush on this guy, oh, Anthony: http://www.anthonybourdain.com/
- Ah, Godiva, I knew you well: http://www.godiva.com/welcome.aspx
- And, Godiva's sister: http://www.ghirardelli.com/
- Fine, she's more than food, and it took some time to win me to her fanbase, but, there, I've said it, I like her stuff, especially since she's done time: http://www.marthastewart.com/
- My concession to health, from the ADA: http://vgs.diabetes.org/recipe/index.jsp
- Lori Alden's Cook's Thesaurus: http://www.foodsubs.com/
- More, later.