Big decision Tony!!
I was just sitting with a couple of girlfriends last night drinking and eating chocolate stolen from our kids halloween bags (bad mother - I know) and saying that I wish I could take a vacation. I wasn't imagining somewhere warm and tropical - not that I'd be opposed - but what I meant was a medication vacation. From the Topamax for the SOM which is making me a complete and total idiot and then throw in the percocet and the oxycontin for the back pain. They'd have a great time with me on Saturday Night Live!!!!! The blank stares, the "what's that word - oh yeah - shoe" type scenarios.
I'm trying real hard to laugh a little at myself at not just cry about it.
Tony, you have a big decision to make. I guess there are lots of horror stories with meds but I guess it means that we still have hope that there is a better way to live. Whatever you decide - I'm thinking of you!! Kerry