SOM symptoms began: 3 1/2 years ago
When diagnosed: 3 years ago
Type of doctor: Neurologist
SOM eye - Right or Left: Right
My symptoms: Begin with the odd shimmer of the eye, then over weeks it got worse that one day I was losing my balance and hitting the wall. I got really scared when I was driving and had to pull over and get the guys from work to pick me up and drive me to the emergency. The episodes where happening every 20 seconds and lasting 10.
Symptom triggers, if any: Stress, lack of sleep, bright light and caffiene
Wear glasses? What type/kind: Only when driving or watching TV
Is SOM eye weaker or stronger than "good" eye?: Stronger than left eye (vision worse)
Treatments for SOM: Prescription meds: Yes or No: Yes so far tried 3 meds
Med name, dosage, how long, results 1. Tegretol, max dose, on for around 12 months
Med name, dosage, how long, results 2. Neurontin, maximum dose, eight months
Med name, dosage, how long, results 3. Baclofen, currently 40mg per day
Med name, dosage, how long, results 4.
Herbs. Legal only. List all: Vit D
Herbs. How much, how long, results: 6 months, no effect
Herbs. Where obtained:
Accupuncture. Type: No but love to know if it works
Accupuncture. How long, results:
Massage. Type: No
Massage. How long, results:
Chiropractic. Method/type: None
Chiropractic. How long, results:
Surgery. Type: None
Surgery. Results:
Other conditions I have:
Symptoms. How long. 1.
Symptoms. How long. 2.
Symptoms. How long. 3.
Symptoms. How long. 4.
Symptoms. How long. 5.
Symptoms. How long. 6.
Possible connection(s) to SOM:
Current SOM status: Have bad days still but episodes are not as severe as without drug
Current age: 31
Gender: Female
Additional thoughts: Having SOM has ben difficult to live with affecting trying to do daily tasks like cleaning the house or cooking. It has meant I can no longer persue a career in forensics but I am lucky enough to find a job I am very happy in. Driving has become difficult and I have to close my SOM eye when driving when an episode comes on. This has made me less independant and and stay at home more whereas before I used to go for the weekly Sunday drive. The most fustrating thing is that unless you suffer from it people don't understand and to them you are just complaining and lazy if you have bad days and dont want to go anywhere.
How I found this support group: Internet search
Have you shared this group/site with your doctor/doctors?: No not yet but I will next time I see him