"We can paint unrealistic pictures of the juggler, displaying her now as a problem-free paragon of glamour, and now as a modern hag. Or, we can see in the juggler a real person who strives to overcome obstacles that nature and society put in her path and who does so with vigor and determination."
Faye J. Crosby
SOM changes your relationship with your working and personal life. It compromises your ability, perhaps even your willingness, to function in a productive and comfortable manner, not just in your job situation, but in all the things that you do to have a meaningful life.
Not all of these ideas will apply to you, and you will surely think of other issues that affect you.
Computer use, at home and/or on the job
Focused/close work tasks and activities
Understanding, or lack of, by employer or fellow employees, customers/clients
Using appliances
Household tasks, especially cooking
Home maintenance
Exercise or sports
Understanding, patience and loving support, or lack of, from family and friends
Spending time with family and friends
Limitations on your social life