Depth perception has always been a problem for me, as has night vision and light sensitivity. Not sure if there is a relationship or just a coincidence.
I also have always had problems with car sickness and any other types of motion sickness. I can't even ride the merry go round. I do think that there is a relationship between my SOM and my motion sickness.
Sometime when it gets really bad, I have to use a patch to function at work due to my close-type work.
When it's really bad I have had severe head , neck, and shoulder pain, and a head tilt. Not sure what part is TMJ and what part is SOM, but probably the first ones are TMJ and the head tilt is SOM.
Last summer I had about the worse ever TMJ and SOM, and was unable to ride my bike. The neck position appears to put some type of stress on my head muscles especially the neck and jaw muscles, and this caused me severe headaches.
Walking issues, such as tripping, stumbling, staggering
Loss of binocular vision and depth perception
Head tilt, and the associated pain/discomfort
Stiff muscles in your head, neck, shoulders and back
Difficulty or inability to read, use a computer or do other close/focused work
Disorientation, dizziness
Spinal/back issues
Inability to exercise or participate in sports and other physical activities
Watching television, going to see films, cultural events, nature activities