Everyone must be over checking out the new site?
Dull gray and overcast here again today. Rain off and on. We had rain/sleet last night, but the temps are high enough that is gone.
Jaden has so many leaves to sniff, takes him longer and longer out side. lol He is such a silly boy.
Our Jenny is hiding on us. She don't like the eye slave we have to put in her eye. If we can find/catch her we are supposed to do it twice a day. Sure!
Aimoo is moving our site for us. Please be patient, as I am sure that they are swamped with requests to move sites. BUT we have to keep this site going until then, so MSN don't shut us down due to inactivity. Please.
We had a good time in chat last evening. We even got to talk to Lemmy's great-granddaughter. She types very well for 10 months..lol
Dadcat, sorry to hear of your horsepistal stay again. Prayers continue for you.
I hope this finds eveyrone well. Prayers for all those in need of them. Prayers for the Elder's of our Group.