Today I hear people say I'm one eighth Cherokee or one quarter or one half. So what's the big deal? What are you, if you're grandmother was black? I never hear anyone say, I'm one eighth black or one quarter black or half, they are just black. If your great grandmother was Japanese what do you say? I'm a quarter or an, you say I'm Japanese.
Today a Cherokee is a Chrysler Jeep...Is the gas tank full, or on half, or one eighth full?
A medicine man came to our little band years ago and he said, "if you have one drop of Indian blood, you ARE Indian!"
How many of you were born in America? Well aren't you Native Americans then? Learn This Land. Learn the ways of your people. Those things in Europe are fine, but leave them there and learn this land. Learn about your roots, here. For without the roots the tree dies...Do it for the kids and for the future kids. Leave them a world of 'Hope', a world of getting along together. For if one person in the tribe was meant the whole tribe was hungry.
One stick you can break, but the bundle of sticks you cannot is strong...The Europeans put an ax sticking up, in the middle, of the bundle of sticks. Their policy was to divide and conquer..and also to facilitate the break up of the tribes...You can sometimes see their logo behind the platform of government speakers...
It's not the color of the skin, it's the color of the heart that counts. And if you have that Indian blood in your veins, do something to help your brothers and sisters on the reservations...As the injustices still continue but in much more subliminal manner ...Since the Cherokee Trail of Tears and the Navaho Long Walk, the suicide rate on some reservations today is five times above the National Average.
Do whatever you can to benefit your tribe, your People. I'm Cherokee and proud of it..I ain't no Jeep! Aho!
Willy Whitefeather