agaria virginiana DuchesneVirginia Strawberry; Rosaceae
Cherokee Food (Preserves)
Berries used to make jam.
Perry, Myra Jean 1975 Food Use of "Wild"
Plants by Cherokee Indians. The University of Tennessee, M.S. Thesis (p. 56)
Gaultheria procumbens L.Eastern Teaberry; Ericaceae
Cherokee Food (Beverage)
Leaves used to make tea.
Perry, Myra Jean 1975 Food Use of "Wild"
Plants by Cherokee Indians. The University of Tennessee, M.S. Thesis (p. 38)
Gaultheria procumbens L.Eastern Teaberry; Ericaceae
Cherokee Food (Fruit)
Berries used for food.
Perry, Myra Jean 1975 Food Use of "Wild"
Plants by Cherokee Indians. The University of Tennessee, M.S. Thesis (p. 38)
Gaylussacia baccata (Wangenh.) K. KochBlack Huckleberry; Ericaceae
Cherokee Food (Bread & Cake)
Berries mixed with flour or cornmeal, soda and water and made into bread.
Perry, Myra Jean 1975 Food Use of "Wild"
Plants by Cherokee Indians. The University of Tennessee, M.S. Thesis (p. 39)
Gaylussacia baccata (Wangenh.) K. KochBlack Huckleberry; Ericaceae
Cherokee Food (Pie & Pudding)
Berries used to make cobblers and pies.
Perry, Myra Jean 1975 Food Use of "Wild"
Plants by Cherokee Indians. The University of Tennessee, M.S. Thesis (p. 39)
Gaylussacia baccata (Wangenh.) K. KochBlack Huckleberry; Ericaceae
Cherokee Food (Frozen Food)
Berries frozen for future use.
Perry, Myra Jean 1975 Food Use of "Wild"
Plants by Cherokee Indians. The University of Tennessee, M.S. Thesis (p. 39)
Gaylussacia baccata (Wangenh.) K. KochBlack Huckleberry; Ericaceae
Cherokee Food (Fruit)
Berries used for food.
Perry, Myra Jean 1975 Food Use of "Wild"
Plants by Cherokee Indians. The University of Tennessee, M.S. Thesis (p. 39)
Gaylussacia baccata (Wangenh.) K. KochBlack Huckleberry; Ericaceae
Cherokee Food (Preserves)
Berries used to make jam and canned for future use.
Perry, Myra Jean 1975 Food Use of "Wild"
Plants by Cherokee Indians. The University of Tennessee, M.S. Thesis (p. 39)
Gaylussacia ursina (M.A. Curtis) Torr. & Gray ex GrayBear Huckleberry; Ericaceae
Cherokee Food (Preserves)
Berries made into jelly or canned for future use.
Perry, Myra Jean 1975 Food Use of "Wild"
Plants by Cherokee Indians. The University of Tennessee, M.S. Thesis (p. 39)
Gleditsia triacanthos L.Honeylocust; Fabaceae
Cherokee Food (Beverage)
Pod juice, water and sugar or pods soaked in water used as a beverage.
Perry, Myra Jean 1975 Food Use of "Wild"
Plants by Cherokee Indians. The University of Tennessee, M.S. Thesis (p. 45)
Gleditsia triacanthos L.Honeylocust; Fabaceae
Cherokee Food (Unspecified)
Ripe, raw pods used for food.
Perry, Myra Jean 1975 Food Use of "Wild"
Plants by Cherokee Indians. The University of Tennessee, M.S. Thesis (p. 45)
Hamamelis virginiana L.American Witchhazel; Hamamelidaceae
Cherokee Food (Beverage)
Leaves and twigs used to make tea.
Perry, Myra Jean 1975 Food Use of "Wild"
Plants by Cherokee Indians. The University of Tennessee, M.S. Thesis (p. 44)
Helianthus tuberosus L.Jerusalem Artichoke; Asteraceae
Cherokee Food (Vegetable)
Root used as a vegetable food.
Perry, Myra Jean 1975 Food Use of "Wild"
Plants by Cherokee Indians. The University of Tennessee, M.S. Thesis (p. 34)
Hydrangea arborescens L.Wild Hydrangea; Hydrangeaceae
Cherokee Food (Beverage)
Peeled branches and twigs boiled to make tea.
Perry, Myra Jean 1975 Food Use of "Wild"
Plants by Cherokee Indians. The University of Tennessee, M.S. Thesis (p. 54)
Hydrangea arborescens L.Wild Hydrangea; Hydrangeaceae
Cherokee Food (Vegetable)
Peeled branches and twigs cooked in grease like green beans.
Perry, Myra Jean 1975 Food Use of "Wild"
Plants by Cherokee Indians. The University of Tennessee, M.S. Thesis (p. 54)
Juglans cinerea L.Butternut; Juglandaceae
Cherokee Food (Unspecified)
Raw nut used for food.
Perry, Myra Jean 1975 Food Use of "Wild"
Plants by Cherokee Indians. The University of Tennessee, M.S. Thesis (p. 42)
Juglans nigra L.Black Walnut; Juglandaceae
Cherokee Food (Dried Food)
Nuts dried in the rafters for future use.
Perry, Myra Jean 1975 Food Use of "Wild"
Plants by Cherokee Indians. The University of Tennessee, M.S. Thesis (p. 43)
Juglans nigra L.Black Walnut; Juglandaceae
Cherokee Food (Porridge)
Nuts mixed with skinned hominy corn, water and pinto beans.
Perry, Myra Jean 1975 Food Use of "Wild"
Plants by Cherokee Indians. The University of Tennessee, M.S. Thesis (p. 43)
Lepidium sp.Peppergrass; Brassicaceae
Cherokee Food (Vegetable)
Tender plant and roots eaten as potherbs.
Perry, Myra Jean 1975 Food Use of "Wild"
Plants by Cherokee Indians. The University of Tennessee, M.S. Thesis (p. 37)
Ligusticum canadense (L.) Britt.Canadian Licoriceroot; Apiaceae
Cherokee Food (Dried Food)
Fresh greens gathered into a bundle, dried and hung until needed.
Perry, Myra Jean 1975 Food Use of "Wild"
Plants by Cherokee Indians. The University of Tennessee, M.S. Thesis (p. 58)
Ligusticum canadense (L.) Britt.Canadian Licoriceroot; Apiaceae
Cherokee Food (Vegetable)
Leaves and stalks boiled, rinsed and fried with grease and salt until soft as a potherb.
Perry, Myra Jean 1975 Food Use of "Wild"
Plants by Cherokee Indians. The University of Tennessee, M.S. Thesis (p. 58)
Ligusticum canadense (L.) Britt.Canadian Licoriceroot; Apiaceae
Cherokee Food (Winter Use Food)
Leaves and stalks blanched, boiled in a can and stored for future use.
Perry, Myra Jean 1975 Food Use of "Wild"
Plants by Cherokee Indians. The University of Tennessee, M.S. Thesis (p. 58)
Morus rubra L.Red Mulberry; Moraceae
Cherokee Food (Bread & Cake)
Berries and poke berries crushed, strained, mixed with sugar and corn meal and made into dumplings.
Morus rubra L.Red Mulberry; Moraceae
Cherokee Food (Fruit)
Fresh berries used for food.
Morus rubra L.Red Mulberry; Moraceae
Cherokee Food (Preserves)
Berries used to make jam.
Morus rubra L.Red Mulberry; Moraceae
Cherokee Food (Winter Use Food)
Berries canned for future use.
Oenothera biennis L.Common Eveningprimrose; Onagraceae
Cherokee Food (Vegetable)
Roots boiled like potatoes.
Oenothera fruticosa L.Narrowleaf Eveningprimrose; Onagraceae
Cherokee Food (Vegetable)
Leaves parboiled, rinsed and cooked in hot grease as a potherb.
Oxalis stricta L.Common Yellow Oxalis; Oxalidaceae
Cherokee Food (Vegetable)
Leaves used for food.
Passiflora incarnata L.Purple Passionflower; Passifloraceae
Cherokee Food (Beverage)
Crushed fruit strained into a juice, mixed with flour or cornmeal to thicken and used as a beverage.
Passiflora incarnata L.Purple Passionflower; Passifloraceae
Cherokee Food (Vegetable)
Leaves parboiled, rinsed and cooked in hot grease with salt as a potherb.
Pedicularis canadensis L.Canadian Lousewort; Scrophulariaceae
Cherokee Food (Vegetable)
Cooked leaves and stems used for food.
University of Ten
Penthorum sedoides L.Ditch Stonecrop; Saxifragaceae
Cherokee Food (Vegetable)
Leaves used as a potherb.
Physalis sp.Ground Cherry; Solanaceae
Cherokee Food (Fruit)
Fresh fruit used for food.
Phytolacca americana L.American Pokeweed; Phytolaccaceae
Cherokee Drug (Poison)
Roots and berries considered poisonous.
Phytolacca americana L.American Pokeweed; Phytolaccaceae
Cherokee Drug (Unspecified)
Berries used for medicine.
Phytolacca americana L.American Pokeweed; Phytolaccaceae
Cherokee Food (Beverage)
Crushed berries and sour grapes strained, mixed with sugar and cornmeal and used as a beverage.
Phytolacca americana L.American Pokeweed; Phytolaccaceae
Cherokee Food (Cooking Agent)
Berries used to color canned fruit.
Phytolacca americana L.American Pokeweed; Phytolaccaceae
Cherokee Food (Dried Food)
Leaves gathered into bundle and dried for future use.
Phytolacca americana L.American Pokeweed; Phytolaccaceae
Cherokee Food (Vegetable)
Shoots, leaves and stems parboiled, rinsed and cooked alone or mixed with other greens and eggs.
Phytolacca americana L.American Pokeweed; Phytolaccaceae
Cherokee Food (Vegetable)
Peeled stalks cut lengthwise, parboiled, dipped in egg, rolled in cornmeal and fried like fish.
Plantago major L.Common Plantain; Plantaginaceae
Cherokee Food (Vegetable)
Cut leaves and stems cooked with fatback.
Podophyllum peltatum L.Mayapple; Berberidaceae
Cherokee Food (Fruit)
Ripe fruit used for food.
Polygonatum biflorum (Walt.) Ell.King Solomon's Seal; Liliaceae
Cherokee Food (Bread & Cake)
Roots used to make bread.
Polygonatum biflorum (Walt.) Ell.King Solomon's Seal; Liliaceae
Cherokee Food (Vegetable)
Stems and leaves parboiled, rinsed, fried with grease and salt until soft and eaten as a potherb.
Polygonatum biflorum (Walt.) Ell.King Solomon's Seal; Liliaceae
Cherokee Food (Winter Use Food)
Stems & leaves mixed with bean salad & wanegedum, blanched and boiled for three hours in a can.
Polygonum cuspidatum Sieb. & Zucc.Japanese Knotweed; Polygonaceae
Cherokee Food (Vegetable)
Cooked leaves used for food.
Prunella vulgaris L.Common Selfheal; Lamiaceae
Cherokee Food (Vegetable)
Small leaves used as a potherb.
Prunus pensylvanica L. f.Pin Cherry; Rosaceae
Cherokee Food (Pie & Pudding)
Fruit used to make pies.
Prunus pensylvanica L. f.Pin Cherry; Rosaceae
Cherokee Food (Preserves)
Fruit used to make jam.