We usually think that basil is used only flavor to our pesto, soups and
stews, or that cinnamon is only to be sprinkled on a baked apple. These
herbs are usually used to cook our favorite dishes. Using them to treat an
upset stomach or to cleanse our system was virtually unheard of; however,
our grandmothers and great grandmothers have long used what is called
kitchen herbs for healing all types of aliments.
Ginger (Zingiber Officinale)
Ginger has been recently added to certain products that you probably have
seen in the market. Most likely you’ve made ginger tea, drunk ginger ale or
tasted gingerbread cookies, but have you ever used ginger root when you have
a loss of appetite, digestive problems (such as flatulence or bloating), or
to prevent motion sickness?
Ginger is a creeping tuberous rhizome perennial that is indigenous to
southeastern Asia and is cultivated in the U.S. also The Chinese have been using
ginger therapeutically for more than 2,000 years. The Japanese serve ginger
slices between sushi courses to cleanse the palate and aid digestion. In the
fourth century, Greek bakers were using ginger imported from the Far East to
make gingerbread. The Spanish were cultivating ginger as early as the 16th
century, and the conquistadors introduced it to the New World via Jamaica.
It became so popular among Europeans that in 1884 Great Britain imported
over 5 million pounds of the root.
Today, ginger is used in many different forms to cure different aliments.
Some researchers believe that ginger may help to prevent strokes, heart
disease, and arteriosclerosis (heardening of the arteries). Taken hot,
ginger tea promotes circulation and cleanses the system through perspiration
Pour one cup of boiling water onto one teaspoonful of the fresh ginger root
or ginger powder and let it infuse for five minutes. Drink it hot, one to
two cups a day. If you like to use the tincture, you can mix 15 drops of
extract in one cup of warm water. This drink can be taken up to three times
daily. Ginger is also available in a capsule form, which can be taken one to
three times per day. But beware of using large doses of this herb. Ginger
may create an adverse reaction if you are taking anticoagulants, or if you
have peptic ulcers, morning sickness, or bleeding disorders.
Cayenne or Capsicum (Capsicum frutescens)
When was the last time you used hot sauce on your hot wings? Did you know
that hot sauce contains a chili pepper by the name of Cayenne that can aid
in treating arthritis? Most people do not associate Cayenne with medicinal
herbs but it has been used to treat muscle pains, headaches and soothe
Cayenne, otherwise known as Capsicum, is a perennial plant shrub that grows
in the native tropical regions of America. It is an annual when cultivated
outside tropical zones. Cayenne is best grown in Africa, Asia, South America
West Indies, Hungary, East Indies, and Central America. However, high
quality cayenne can be produced in good quantity in the Southern United
States, especially the states that lie along the southern line of Tennessee.
The history of Cayenne is very interesting, due to its pungent, hot, spicy
flavor. Since 7,000 BC the Cayenne pepper was native to northeastern coastal
areas of South America and was used in folk medicine. The name Cayenne was
derived from the Greek word meaning to bite. The hot pepper first appeared
in history books in 1493, when Peter Martyn wrote of its arrival in Italy
after Columbus’s voyage. It appeared in the West from India in 1548 and was
known as Ginnie Pepper. In the 19th century, the pepper was used by
physiomedicalists for chills, rheumatism, and depression.
Cayenne pepper can be taken orally or externally as a lineament. Cayenne
capsules are available and you can take one capsule one to three times daily
There are prepared teas available or you can make your own tea by pouring
one cup of hot water onto 1½ teaspoonful of cayenne and infuse it for 10
minutes. Be careful of excessive consumption, which can cause
gastroenteritis and kidney or liver damage. Persons that are pregnant,
breastfeeding, have hemorrhoids and gastrointestinal problems should not use
Cayenne Peppers because it may cause irritation. Do not use the seeds since
they are toxic.
Look into your cabinets and see what spices you have available. The next
time you have a bad headache or infrequent gas pains, try some of the herbs
on your kitchen spice rack.
The ideas, procedures, and suggestions contained in this article are not
intended to replace the services of a trained health professional, and you
should consult your physician before adopting any of these procedures. All
matters regarding your health require medical supervision. Any applications
of the treatments set forth in this article are at the reader’s discretion.