well gonna try and tell ya a bit of me ! ~~~~~ I Was born In Seattle Washington, with a bag of mixed Blessings each one I cherish , My Father is of full Blood Blackfoot ( Whitefish-Montana) and Mother, Mothers ppl are french Canadian from alberta Canada and German all that into one tiny women oh my lol ! but each is truly a gift ! I feel truly Blessed and Honerd for the gift of my Hearatige . I have grown and been transplanted many times but the heart Knows home as im shuer you all know to well ! at this time I call Ray City Goriga Home ! I live way out in the country with mother earth giving her harvists and helping me grow my Granbabys who are the heart of this ole women !!!!! I stand 4 ft 11 inc and can be a ball of fire ya mess with mine or peacfull as a gently rain !! Im raisin Grands and a pacill of dogs lol any way im an open Book and love ppl please forgive spellin as its not one of my gifts so untill we meet again Yatah ~~~~~~~~~~Love *Light and above all Peace~~~~~~~~ Nativeeyes