In the Mohawk tongue "ONA GEW WAKI"
means "until next we meet."
We have no words for good-bye.
As a child I once asked what about when you die?
Grandfather said, on the other side
Are all the people who ever walked Mother Earth.
As well as those spirits
Who have yet to know the miracle of birth
For you were once there too,
It is true
Then Creator said I have something
I want you to do
So He sent you here for a while
To be a two legged one
To walk Mother Earth
With love and honor from sun to sun
When you left the ancestors
The spirits did not cry
Nor did anyone say
The words good-bye
No, instead they smiled
And said these words so sweet
Ona Gwe, Waki
Or...until next we meet
One day my walk here will be through
Here is what I ask of you.
When you come to my crossing ceremony, do not cry.
Do not stand with bowed head and say good-bye.
Look up with joy
In your heart, and these words repeat,
Ona Gwe, Waki...
Until Next We Meet.