The Abenaki people have been native New Englanders for thousands of years,
but are still looking for recognition from their neighbors.
The people who gave their name to the state of Alabama, the Alabamas have merged
politically with their allies the Coushattas.
Often confused with other Indian tribes known as "Algonquians," the Algonquins
live in the modern Ontario/Quebec area of Canada.
The Arapahos were originally farming people, but once horses were introduced
to the Americas, they began to follow the buffalo herds like the Cheyennes and Sioux.
Devastated by epidemics, the Arikara tribe has merged with their neighbors the Mandans and Hidatsas.
The Atikamekw are a small, traditional tribe that still speaks their native language
and lives off the land.
The Beothuks or "Red Indians" were the original inhabitants of Newfoundland, Canada.
Tragically, they died out in the 1800's.
Four tribes make up this powerful Plains Indian nation: the Blackfoot (Blackfeet) in
Montana and the Siksika, Piikani, and Kainai in Canada.
Original people of Texas, the Caddo Indians barely survived a terrible smallpox
epidemic in the 16th century.
Although the Calusa Indians of southern Florida were not agricultural people, they built
technologically advanced cities with windbreaks, seawalls, piers, and canal systems.
The Catawba were one of the few southeastern Indian tribes not deported to Oklahoma,
and they have preserved their native pottery-making traditions among other customs.
Members of the powerful Iroquois Confederacy, the Cayuga tribe are original inhabitants
of upstate New York.
Original people of the American Southeast, most Cherokees were forcibly deported to
Oklahoma along the infamous Trail of Tears.
Plains Indians who depended on the buffalo for survival, the Cheyennes have survived
several American massacres.
The Chickasaws were one of several Southeast Indian tribes forced to move to Oklahoma
along the Trail of Tears.
Also known as the Ojibway, Ojibwe, or Ojibwe, the Chippewa tribe are one of the largest
and most powerful nations.
Despite losing their homes in the infamous Trail of Tears, the Choctaw Indians gave what
they had to help Irish famine victims in the 1800's, and are still admired by Irish people today.
Also known as the Koasatis, the Coushattas have merged politically with their allies
the Alabamas.
Also known as the Muskogees, the Creeks were one of the most important tribes of the
American southeast, but most of them were forced to relocate to Oklahoma in the 1800's.
The Cree are one of the largest native groups in North America and have had a major impact
on Canadian history.
The Crow are a northern Plains tribe, famous for their expert horsemanship and especially long hair.
Gros Ventres
The Gros Ventre were kinfolk of the Arapaho, and called themselves A'aninin, the White Clay People.
Unlike other Siouan tribes, the Hochunks never gave up their farming villages in favor of a migratory life.
The Wyandots, who lived on both sides of the modern US-Canadian border, were an important trading tribe.
The state of Illinois was named after the Illini Indians, who were nearly wiped out by war in the 1700's.
The Montagnais and Naskapi have different tribal names but consider themselves part of the same
culture, Innu.
The powerful Iroquois Confederacy was known for their war prowess, but also for their government, which
was one of the examples of representative democracy used as a model by America's founding fathers.
Fiercely independant, many Kickapoo people fled all the way to Mexico rather than surrender to
the Americans.
Lenni Lenape
The Lenape or Delawares are considered by many Indians to be the eldest
Algonquian tribe.
The Lumbees are the descendants of the Carolina Indians who helped the Roanoake Colony.
The Maliseet people are original residents of the Canadian Maritimes. They are renowned
for their beadwork and artistry.
Original people of Wisconsin, the Menominee tribe is named after their staple food, wild rice.
The Miami Indians lived not in Florida, but in the Midwest: Indiana, Illinois and Ohio.
One of the tribes that made up the powerful Seminole alliance, the Miccosukees were
original people of southern Georgia and northern Florida, but retreated into the Everglades
when the Americans attacked them.
The Micmac (or Mi'kmaq) people still live in their original homeland in Nova Scotia today,
where they are fighting for the right to fish and hunt as their ancestors used to.
Members of the powerful Iroquois Confederacy, the Mohawk tribe are original inhabitants
of upstate New York.
Frequently confused with the Mohicans due to a poorly-researched literary classic, the Mohegan
people consist of many originally independent tribes including the Pequots and Montauks.
Frequently confused with the Mohegans due to a poorly-researched literary classic, the Mohican
tribe was not driven to extinction, merely exiled to Wisconsin.
The Munsee people were original inhabitants of Long Island and New York State, but were
driven to Wisconsin and Ontario by colonial expansion.
The Nanticoke people were known for their sympathy to escaped slaves, many of whom they sheltered.
Members of the powerful Iroquois Confederacy, the Oneida tribe are original inhabitants of upstate
New York.
Onondagas Members of the powerful Iroquois Confederacy, the Onondaga tribe are original inhabitants of upstate
New York.
The native nation Canada's capital city was named for, the Ottawas are kinfolk of the Ojibways.
The Passamaquoddy people are original residents of Maine, where they still live today.
The Penobscot people are original residents of Maine, where they still live today.
The Potawatomi were traditionally the fire-keepers in the powerful Three Fires alliance of Indians.
The Powhatan Confederacy is most famous for being the tribe of the real Pocahontas,
but they were also a powerful empire controlling most of Virginia.
Sac and Fox
These two tribes allied in the 1700's, when the Sac protected their kinfolk the Fox
from a French attempt to wipe them out. Many still live together today.
The Seminole Nation was originally a confederation of several different southeastern tribes,
and were also influenced by the many escaped African slaves who joined them for
protection. Today the Seminoles are a united tribe.
Members of the powerful Iroquois Confederacy, the Seneca tribe are original inhabitants of
upstate New York.
The nomadic Shawnee tribe had settlements from New York State to Georgia, but were
rejoined into one tribe when the US government deported them to Oklahoma together.
Originally from the American Southeast, the Tuscaroras moved north after the British took over
to join the powerful Iroquois Confederacy.
The Wabanaki Confederacy was a powerful alliance of east-coast Indian tribes.
The Native Americans who shared in the first Thanksgiving feast, the Wampanoag tribe
met a sad fate at the hands of the English.
The Wiyots are northern California Indians who were tragically massacred during the Gold Rush era.
Only a few Wiyot descendants remain today, merged with Yurok and Hupa neighbors.
Though the US government considers the Yuchi people part of the Creek tribe, they have always
been politically independent of the Creeks and have a unique culture all their own.
Kinfolk of the Wiyot, the two peoples have nearly merged after ethnic violence against them in the 1800's.