| | From: paintbetty (Original Message) | Sent: 3/21/2006 2:29 AM |
i dream often, and write down my dreams that i am able to remember to think about later. A few nights ago i had a dream that I turned into a bear. Anyone have any insights on this?
thank you :) paintbetty |
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Usually when one dreams of an animal that animal's traits can tell you what the dream pertains to. In order to analyze it in depth more information is needed. Kal |
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thank you for your response! I dont remember very much, but all i do remember is that i was walking along and then felt a change coe over me... i began walking on my hands and feet, and say my hands start to grow fur and turn into bear paws. I stopped to look at my reflection in some standing water, and the face that looked back at me was me as a small brown bear.
I will read more about bears, thank you again :) |