Confusion. Illusion.
Or maybe Intrusion.
Favour Asked
From only a Few.
Song of Heyokkas
Will help us to Stalk us.
To see through the Veil all Anew.
If asked by Another
A Sister or Brother
To act in a confusing Play.
Guided Straight Walker.
Balanced Swift Talker.
Gifted in many a Way.
A person with wits
That put on a Blitz.
Give us Another Tool.
Trickster of Blizzard
A Minds True Word Wizard.
Cunning and Brilliant Fool.
Old Memory Detector.
A Sacred Reflector.
Of things we Forgot in the Deep.
Devoted and True.
Will always help you.
Guards Soul, for you to keep.
Magic Twister of Much.
If asked to do such
A Task for Warrior Grand.
Great Honour to These.
We all Thank you, Please!
For learning us All how to Stand.
OH, Secret Deceiver.
A teaching Receiver.
To Focus the Ray of the Light.
Or Mirror of Self
Put on a high Shelf.
That Hide ourselves in the Night.
Trick or Treat ?
Take All you can eat.
From the Twisted
Ald Tricksters Full Plate.
In the End you’ll be Lured.
In ways so obscured.
To Alter the roads of your Fate.
Vic -1 oktober- 2006