| | From: Mirabby (Original Message) | Sent: 8/28/2008 10:39 AM |
Family, I ask for your prayers this year. Usually I am a very happy and positive person, but I am overwhelmed this year at school. I work with a difficult person and am just overwhelmed and beaten down with oppression now. I feel ineffectual and hopeless. I have prayed, smudged and prayed some more and nothing is helping. I don't like this feeling and ask you to lift me to Creator for strength and transformation. Wado in advance for your great help. Mira |
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Mira, my Sister, you have my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there. Everything will work out... just as it is meant to. Remember that only Creator has control of our lives for the most part... and some things are just beyond our reach to control. Try not to worry about these things... let Creator worry for you and assist you. You can change how you react to situations... you are doing great at praying, smudging and praying some more... try to view everything through your positive eyes, my dear... you can do this. This overwhelming person may be trying to get under your skin. They will give up once they see they are not cracking through your exterior. You can do this... I know you and your strength! Much love to you... and again... my thoughts and prayers! Love you tons! Hugs! With Great Respect, Tia |
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It is done, little sis. You can do this, I know. Linn |
| | From: Mirabby | Sent: 8/29/2008 3:52 AM |
Wado my sisters. This is only just posted this morning, but today was much better than the past 2 weeks. I can not say I am over this bout yet, but there is at least a glimmer of light in the distance. Your prayers gave me strength. Wado again. I love each of you so much!!!!! Blessings to you all. Mira |
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Much Love to you, Mira |
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Cepansi(Sister); Pay Uni Cepansi(Hi my Sister) it is I Al WhiteDeer here. I saw this today and I felt a "tug" upon my Sprit to write you this post to say yes, I hear and I respond to your request of help. I to am in great need as many know thnaks to annie's doings. But yet while I draw breath I shall do for others as grandpa Taught me to do(Be a giver). Seal up your Aura by seeing it as a Bubble all about you a big circle and then "see" the "Skin" of this Bubble harden as the Alagators skin ok.. Tough as a metal jacket ok. While doing this you must "afirm" it with breathing to the four 4 counting. In four count, hold four count, out four count, hold four count ok my Sister. Do this FOUR 4 times then seal by thought the Aura, then reafirm it by ending session with another round of "four Counting" the same as you started. Then no one may enter it with out you "letting" them do so. And please Sister, take care of you we would not know what to do without one such as you here. In prayers I call his name for you.. Al............... |
| | From: Mirabby | Sent: 8/31/2008 2:23 PM |
Osiyo my brother. You humble me with your willingness to add me to your prayers. Wado for the shielding techniques. I will begin that today. You will continue to be in my prayers as well as your family. You are such a wonderful and caring man and I very selfishly want you around with us for a very long time to come. I send you my strength and love. With much respect, Mira |
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Mira my friend and sister, do not be discouraged. Find comfort in knowing that prayers are on the winds for you. You have offered prayers for so many others, and now they are offered for you. Creator hears and answers them. Not always as we expect,but in ways that are right. Creator will give you the strength you need. Lemmy |
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My dear Mira, I know you are a strong willed person, somewhat like me but even ones like us can get to where we may let someone get past our tough exterior...and this is when we need to look within and see why this has happened. Usally we find that we have had other problems that we are fighting and have let our guard down so someone could enter at a bad time. Now you are getting all these prayers to help build yourself back up but you must help us too. Keep your mind on others , block out who and whats bringing you down...Fight the bad feelings and let our love and prayers ,overcome the bad. I know sometimes it gets hard but Creator will get you through this also....hugs Annie |
| | From: Mirabby | Sent: 9/2/2008 12:03 PM |
Wado Annie! I am resting in the assurance that I have many loved ones undergirding me and giving me strength. Your words give me heart and I am looking for ways to deal with the smaller issues that have breached my guards, You are so right about that. All the smaller issues sometimes create holes and your energies drain out much like a colander drains water. It is very easy to become vulnerable to attack when you are empty. One by one they are being sealed again. Again, wado. With love and respect, Mira |
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