Sarah Winnemucca Women's Voices: Quotations by Women
| | For shame! For shame! You dare to cry out Liberty, when you hold us in places against our will, driving us from place to place as if we were beasts. | | I would place all the Indians of Nevada on ships in our harbor, take them to New York and land them there as immigrants, that they might be received with open arms.... | | And by-and-by the dark children grew into a large nation; we believe it is the one we belong to, and that the nation that sprung from the white children will sometime send someone to meet us and heal all the old trouble. | | Nobody really knows Indians who cheat them and treat them badly. | | I would rather be with my people, but not to live with them as they live. | | (to an Indian agent): Hell is full of just such Christians as you are. | |
| For shame! For shame! You dare to cry out Liberty, when you hold us in places against our will, driving us from place to place as if we were beasts. |
| I would place all the Indians of Nevada on ships in our harbor, take them to New York and land them there as immigrants, that they might be received with open arms.... |
| And by-and-by the dark children grew into a large nation; we believe it is the one we belong to, and that the nation that sprung from the white children will sometime send someone to meet us and heal all the old trouble. |
| Nobody really knows Indians who cheat them and treat them badly. |
| I would rather be with my people, but not to live with them as they live. |
| (to an Indian agent): Hell is full of just such Christians as you are. |