 | | From:  MrsCsfive (Original Message) | Sent: 4/16/2005 12:30 AM |
Okay, Marian got me to thinking about Pampering a Biz with the realtors letters that I sent out. I have read a lot of threads on here about these Pamper a Biz shows. WHat all do they consist of? Are they just where you call up, set up a time and bring in some food? Or is there more to it? Also do you ask them if it's okay to do this before hand?? Any and all info would be greatly appreciated. This sounds like something I would love to do. Beth |
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Marian, if you can't get them loaded, email them to me and I'll do it for you....lots of space left Jodi |
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I have the full version, but the way Joy saved it was as complete graphic. IOW, there's no text per sey that you can grab. I don't know all of the ins & outs of the program (my FIL gave it to us) so I don't know how to overlay my info on top of hers even as a text box or whatever you would do to achieve that. I even tried to export to Word but to no avail. If you or someone else knows how to do that I, for one, would surely appreciate it. (If you're thinking my FIL should be able to help me, well, let's just say that's one of the reasons he gave it to us in the first place!) I really should take a night class on how to operate Adobe Acrobat. But like I really have the time right now. Oh yeah, B4 I forget, here's my coupons doc: I did this originally as a postcard size & that's what you'll be viewing, but then I decided to go with biz card size coupons, & used my Print Master program instead. I don't have the patience to work w/Word on a template for biz cards. That's why I opted 4 my PM instead. I also added a place in the back of the biz card coupons where they could fill in their names & numbers so if their coupons got lost with the pile of OOFs I could match them up later. Hope this all makes sense, Marian PS Since these files took up alot of my space (even using my cloned self!!) I don't know how long I'll be able to keep them here. So get 'em now while their "hot" out of the oven.... |
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Got em!!! I have a Hair Appt on Tuesday.. maybe I should Pamper A Biz then. Ooooh I'm kinda nervous!!! Well I'll let ya'll know how it turned out if I do it. Lisa |
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What works better for you guys? Is it when you call ahead or when you just show up?? I am seriously thinking about this since I need some more sales thismonth for the mid season products. Beth mom to 5 ( including two year old triplets ) |
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Good 4 both of you, Lisa & Beth!! I'm soo excited to hear that you're daring to go where no one has dared go B4!!  Please keep us posted on your results! Ok? PS Btw, I've gone ahead & added a link to this thread over on the HOT TOPICS! page so if you ever need it in a flash it'll be there 4 you. And speaking of the Hot Topics! page, for all you newbies here we have another fabulous "search tool" for you to check out. It's over to the left on the side tool bar. <<------------------------------ If you feel a topic of discussion is worthwhile saving a link to, just add one yourself to the Hot Topic! page. |
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Ok, LAST CHANCE TO DOWNLOAD my Pamper a Biz COUPONS!! They've gotta go to make room for something else that I want to share with all of you. I'll give you until Friday the latest to download them & then they'll be gone by Saturday. Sorry. But you won't be sorry for the surprise I have in store for you on Saturday!! Till then, Marian PS Hey maybe someone who hasn't used much of their MSN storage space can reload/upload my coupons up under their ID??? That would be super!! If it can get done sooner than Saturday then I can hopefully fit what I wanna share with you all. |
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OK. . .so did anybody pamper a business this week? If so, how did it go? Did you call ahead of time, or just show up with the goodies? I am planning on giving this a shot next week as I want to make sure I hit $1,250 to get the new mid-season products FREE! Any wisdom you could share would be great!! Thanks, Laurie |
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I didn't do any this week, but I did a couple weeks ago. I got 3 orders from my tax place, a booking from my eye doctor's office, and the editor of the local paper took my HWC newsbrief and my info on my fundraiser that I'm holding and said he would run a little brief about it. I was a little disapointed I didn't get more, but I also got my name out there a little more and left catalogs at each place. I am going to do my bank next week and maybe think of another place too because I, too, am needing more to hit $1250. I just showed up unannounced. Maybe it would work better if I called first?? I also didn't use Marian's coupons, but will next week and see if that helps! |
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Actually, that sounds pretty good to me! I think that showing up unannounced may be better because it doesn't give them a chance to say "no"! What are they going to do. . .turn you away when you are standing there with goodies waiting for them? Keep us posted on how it goes next week! |
 | | From:  Ha58971 | Sent: 4/23/2005 12:07 AM |
Do you give them all the coupons to use at different times or just one??? I am new to this whole process, but it sounds fabulous. - heather |
 | | From:  Ha58971 | Sent: 4/23/2005 12:13 AM |
One more question....If you stop by without making an appointment, how do you display the food? Do you stay for 30 minutes to collect orders and display on Pampered Chef Products (makes the most sense to me) or do you drop off the food with catalogs and go back for orders? I guess I am just trying to figure out how it all works because it sounds great. |
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i call them and tell them that they have won a pampered bizness day and what it intails and ask how many employees I need to make recipe or recipes for.
then i drop the stuff and books, order forms, etc. I then make arrangements when to come back and pick up my belongings and orders, I hope....LOL
I hope this helps
Flora Chatten
Independant Kitchen Consultant
with Pampered Chef
" The Kitchen Store That Comes To Your Door "
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 | | From:  Ha58971 | Sent: 4/24/2005 8:40 PM |
What other ways have people informed a business? Has anyone ever just dropped in? Thanks, Heather |
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I have started taking catalogs, order forms, monthly specials and the "pamper a biz" coupons with when I go somewhere that is offering a service. For example, I went to pick up my sons 9 month pics on Friday, and when we were done I handed them the material and said that I wanted to thank them for the wonderful job that they did, by offering them the latest catalog and some discount coupons. They were SO excited, and thought it was really sweet. I've done it at the dentist, the vet and the hairdressers. I also did it with the woman that signed me up at Curves. They think it is so cool to be thanked like that for a service they provide everyday! |
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Bump for Jena! Make sure you click on FIRST (it's right below the MSN sponsored links box) to start reading this thread from the very beginning! Lots of GREAT ideas! By the way, this was in the HOT TOPICS <----------------- |